VerifyHostRoleSbc A

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4- To view more details about a host, select the host in the '''Host Status List''''
4- To view more details about a host, select the host in the '''Host Status List'''
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="Northbound Interface" data-expandtext="Northbound Interface" style="width: 400px;">

Latest revision as of 16:59, 17 January 2018

Applies to version(s): v2.9, v2.10, v3.0

There are multiple ways to verify the status of a host. This article illustrates how to verify status using the Welcome page and the Navigation panel.


Welcome Page

1- Click Welcome in the navigation panel. (This screen is displayed when you log on to the Web Portal.)

StatusHostSbc 0.png

This screen indicates, (in two areas), the role of the host that you are connected to. In this example, the host is primary.

Navigation Panel

1- Select Hosts in the navigation panel.

StatusHost 2.png

2- Click the Status tab.

StatusHostSbc 3.png

3- The hosts appear in the Host Status List

StatusHostSbc 4.png

4- To view more details about a host, select the host in the Host Status List

StatusHostSbc 5.png

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