VoIP Ethernet Capture TSBC-HW

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Applies to version(s): v3.0

Capturing using the internal host of the TSBC-HW unit

The internal host of the TSBC-HW can be used for capturing packets that are mirrored from the VOIP0 and/or VOIP1 physical ports. This includes RTP traffic.

Start Capture

You need two SSH sessions to capture the traffic:

Step 1

  • Access the TSBC-HW management interface using SSH. Then, access the telecom baseboard using telnet:
telnet [eth0 IP address of the telecom unit]

For example


Prompt is now:

  • Do command "mv88eMonitor" to get the PortMask and PortNumber:

The output should be like this:

Port Mapping:
PortDesc   :                       voip0  voip1 sw6352   fpga  mgmt0  mgmt1   eth0   eth1   host sw6321    cpu
PortNumber :      0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11     12     13
PortMask   :    0x1    0x2    0x4    0x8   0x10   0x20   0x40   0x80  0x100  0x200  0x400  0x800 0x1000 0x2000
  • Use this command to capture VoIP0 traffic (for 600 seconds or 10 minutes):
mv88eMonitor 0x8 0x8 11 600
  • Use this command to capture VoIP1 traffic:
mv88eMonitor 0x10 0x10 11 600

In the example, the duration is 600 seconds. This will capture traffic for 10 minutes.

Note: We do not recommend to keep capturing for a long time. This is only used for debugging purpose.

Step 2

  • Access the TSBC-HW management interface using SSH

start tbx_cli_tools_remote

[root@TB016635 ~]# tbx_cli_tools_remote
  • Connect to tbrouter

(The following is displayed:)

Available remote hosts to control (TBX_GW_PORT=12358, local IPs / Press corresponding letter to
   a : TB016634.tbrouter
   b : TB016635.gateway
   c : TB016635.logtrace
   d : TB016635.stream_server
   e : TB016635.tboam_app
   f : TB016635.tbrouter       <------------tbrouter
   g : TB016635.tbsnmpagent
   h : TB016635.tbsyslog
   i : TB016635.tbuctwriter
   j : TB016635.toolpack_engine
   k : TB016635.toolpack_sys_mgr
   l : TB016635.web_server
  • Select the tbrouter application. (Letter 'f' in the above example)
  • Once you have access to the tbrouter application, press 'p'
       Capture circular buffer size (nb of packets)?      : 50000  <-- set the number of packets to capture
       Capture mode (1:In 2:Out 4:Monitor) (ex: 3=In+out) : 4      <-- Select 4
       VLAN id (list, -1:All) (ex:151, 152, 153, 154)     : -1
       Convert DSA tags to VLAN tags                      : Yes
       Capture only firewall-protected VLANs              : Yes

Press Enter to start the capture.

Stop Capture

Press 'P' (capital letter) to stop the capture.

  • Access the telecom baseboard from the TSBC-HW using telnet.
  • Stop the capture
mv88eMonitor 0 0 0

Download Capture

To download the voip_capture.cap file, use SSH secure copy ("sftp") to the TSBC-HW management port. This can be done on Windows using tools like Filezilla or WinSCP.
The file location of the capture is:



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