CAF: Caf Call Leg Actions

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(Actions on call legs)
(Call information can be queried instantly:)
(2 intermediate revisions by one user not shown)
Line 56: Line 56:
  - GetAttributes()
  - GetAttributes()
  - GetProfile()
  - GetProfile()
- GetJoinedLegs()
- GetJoinedLegAttributes()
  - GetJoinAttributes()
  - GetJoinAttributes()
- GetListenerMixer()
- GetSpeakerMixers()

Latest revision as of 11:15, 11 June 2012


Actions on call legs

The call flow (and it's behaviors) can perform various actions on each of it's call legs. Here is a list of the actions available on the CTBCAFCallLeg objects (please refer to the header file CTBCMCLeg.hpp for more information on each of these functions):

Controlling call flow:

- AcceptCall()
- AlertCall()
- AnswerCall()
- ProgressCall()
- SendCallSuppInfo()
- TerminateCall()
- CallTransferRequest()
- CallTransferProgress()
- CallTransferResponse()

Controlling media flow between two call legs

- Join()
- Unjoin()

Playing/recording audio

- PlayStream()
- RecordStream()
- PauseStream()
- ResumeStream()
- StopStream()

Digits (tone) and events:

- PlayDigit()
- StartDigitCollection()
- StopDigitCollection()
- PlayEvent()
- CancelEvent()
- StartEventCollection()
- StopEventCollection()

Controlling profile or stats:

- SetProfile()
- ChangeProfile()
- GetStats()

States can be queried instantly:

- IsTerminating()
- IsAccepted()
- IsAlerted()
- IsAnswered()
- IsSynchronized()
- IsPlayingStream()
- IsRecordingStream()
- IsPlayingDigit()
- IsPlayingEvent()
- IsJoined()

Call information can be queried instantly:

- GetLegId()
- GetLinkId()
- GetAttributes()
- GetProfile()
- GetJoinedLegs()
- GetJoinedLegAttributes()
- GetJoinAttributes()
- GetListenerMixer()
- GetSpeakerMixers()
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