CASr1 scripting

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Indicates the type of tones must be used to send/receive AND/DNIS.
Indicates the type of tones must be used to send/receive AND/DNIS.
Value of 1 stands for DTMF. Value of 0 defaults to MFR1.
Value of 1 stands for DTMF. Value of 0 defaults to MFR1.
DTMF mapping:
DTMF mapping:
'0' -> DTMF Digit 0: 941Hz + 1336Hz
'0' -> DTMF Digit 0: 941Hz + 1336Hz
'1' -> DTMF Digit 1: 697Hz + 1209Hz
'1' -> DTMF Digit 1: 697Hz + 1209Hz
Line 120: Line 121:
Determines the level (in DB) of tones used when sending ANI/DNIS.
Determines the level (in DB) of tones used when sending ANI/DNIS.
== Static constants pushed by the stack, for usage in this script==
== Static constants pushed by the stack, for usage in this script==

Revision as of 10:04, 30 July 2013

E&M is a CASr1 family. This script is used to configure the following variants:

  • Immediate delay
  • Wink-start
  • Double-ack



This script will be identified as a CASR1 script when the following variable is set:


The CASR1 script allows implementation of all variants of CASR1 stacks by controlling what actions must take place following received events.


The script will received an indication for each timeslot it has to "control" through function HandleNewTimeslot. The script will then be notified of any event on that timeslot (CAS bits changes and others). To each received event, the script will take one ore more action.

It's up to the script implementation to define it's own states for handling the calls. The script is thus very flexible in the way it implements the CASR1 variant call flow.

The current document does not describe how CASR1 call flows are implemented (what are CAS bits, when and why to they "change", how calling/called numbers are exchanged, what is the call flow etc.) The reader shall find that information in the specifications for CASR1 variants. This script should provide all tools required to actually implement CASR1 variants.

Configurable global script constants

The script can define some constants required by the stack (though default values are provided if the script does not define these constants.


Defines the type of this sript. Must be CASR1 in current case.


Mask to apply to CAS bits detected from remote equipment. A bit which mask is set to 0 will be ignored and always reported as zero (0) to this script. This is useful in some cases when unused bits have undefined (and even sometimes toggeling!) values.


Indicates the type of tones must be used to send/receive AND/DNIS. Value of 1 stands for DTMF. Value of 0 defaults to MFR1. DTMF mapping:

		'0'	->	DTMF Digit 0: 				941Hz + 1336Hz
		'1'	->	DTMF Digit 1: 				697Hz + 1209Hz
		'2'	->	DTMF Digit 2: 				697Hz + 1336Hz
		'3'	->	DTMF Digit 3: 				697Hz + 1477Hz
		'4'	->	DTMF Digit 4: 				770Hz + 1209Hz
		'5'	->	DTMF Digit 5: 				770Hz + 1336Hz
		'6'	->	DTMF Digit 6: 				770Hz + 1477Hz
		'7'	->	DTMF Digit 7: 				852Hz + 1209Hz
		'8'	->	DTMF Digit 8: 				852Hz + 1336Hz
		'9'	->	DTMF Digit 9: 				852Hz + 1477Hz
		'*'	->	DTMF Digit Star (*): 		941Hz + 1209Hz
		'#'	->	DTMF Digit Pound (#): 		941Hz + 1477Hz
		'A'	->	DTMF Digit A: 				697Hz + 1633Hz
		'B'	->	DTMF Digit B: 				770Hz + 1633Hz
		'C'	->	DTMF Digit C: 				852Hz + 1633Hz
		'D'	->	DTMF Digit D: 				941Hz + 1633Hz
		Alternative values for * and #:
		'E'	->	DTMF Digit Star (*): 		941Hz + 1209Hz
		'F'	->	DTMF Digit Pound (#): 		941Hz + 1477Hz

MFR1 mapping:

		'0'	->	MFR1 Digit 0: 				1300Hz + 1500Hz
		'1'	->	MFR1 Digit 1: 				700Hz  + 900Hz
		'2'	->	MFR1 Digit 2: 				700Hz  + 1100Hz
		'3'	->	MFR1 Digit 3: 				900Hz  + 1100Hz
		'4'	->	MFR1 Digit 4: 				700Hz  + 1300Hz
		'5'	->	MFR1 Digit 5: 				900Hz  + 1300Hz
		'6'	->	MFR1 Digit 6: 				1100Hz + 1300Hz
		'7'	->	MFR1 Digit 7: 				700Hz  + 1500Hz
		'8'	->	MFR1 Digit 8: 				900Hz  + 1500Hz
		'9'	->	MFR1 Digit 9: 				1100Hz + 1500Hz
		'*'	->	MFR1 KP (Start of pulsing):	1100Hz + 1700Hz
		'#'	->	MFR1 ST (End of pulsing):	1500Hz + 1700Hz
		'A'	->	MFR1 STI: 					900Hz  + 1700Hz
		'B'	->	MFR1 STII: 					1300Hz + 1700Hz
		'C'	->	MFR1 STIII: 				700Hz  + 1700Hz
		'D'	->	Not supported in MFR1

Alternative characters:

		'E'	->	MFR1 KP (Start of pulsing):	1100Hz + 1700Hz
		'F'	->	MFR1 ST (End of pulsing):	1500Hz + 1700Hz
TONE_ON_TIME				= 60

Determines the "on time" (in ms) of tones used when sending ANI/DNIS.


Determines the "off time" (inter-digit delay)(in ms) of tones used when sending ANI/DNIS.

TONE_LEVEL				= -10

Determines the level (in DB) of tones used when sending ANI/DNIS.

Static constants pushed by the stack, for usage in this script

Available actions for "StackAction" function: Commonly used actions:


Additional actions to implement special variants


Events received by this script on "HandleEvents" function: Commonly used events:


Additional events to implement special variants


Result code that HandleNewTimeslot or HandleEvent funtions must return:


Call release causes to use with ACTION_END_SIGNALING


Trace levels (used with function StackLogTrace). Least verbose is TRACE_LEVEL_0 (almost never printed). Most verbose is TRACE_LEVEL_4 (generally printed)


Mandatory functions to implement in this script

The script must provide the following mandatory functions, that will be called by the CAS stack at appropriate moments.

HandleNewTimeslot( in_TimeslotCtx, in_InitialCasBits )

This function is called to prepare a new timeslot so it's ready to be used to receive events and eventually handle a CASR1 call. When this function is called, the timeslot must be set to "off-hook" state. The stack will later send EVENT_APP_UNBLOCK_TIMESLOT when it's time to go "on-hook" and be ready to make calls.


in_TimeslotCtx :

Context containing variables for this timeslot. This context is a LUA table. This table already contains two values: ["TrunkNumber"] and ["TimeslotNumber"] The script can create it's own variables here (like the "call state"), which will be accessible for any event on this timeslot.

in_InitialCasBits :

The initial states of CAS bits received from remote equipment (integer like 0x1111)

HandleEvent( in_TimeslotCtx, in_EventType, ... )

This function reports that an event occurred on a timeslot

Parameters :

in_TimeslotCtx :

Timeslot context used by the script to store any timeslot- related information, like the "call state". This is the table that was passed to HandleNewTimeslot.

in_EventType :

The type of the event that was just received (see constants EVENT_* documented below)

... :

Variable number of parameters, that depend on event type. Available event types and their parameters:



- Received CAS bits (integer like 0x1111) Indicates that CAS bits values received by remote equipment have changed.


No specific parameter.

Indicates that a "Wink" has been detected. This event can only follow ACTION_WAIT_WINK.


No specific parameter.

Indicates that a "Wink" has been sent successfully. This event can only follow ACTION_SEND_WINK.



- String that represents the received tone (digit) (see "Digit format" below) Indicates that a tone was detected. Not normally used in CASR1 standard variants.

Note: This does not include tones that are collected as part of ACTION_WAIT_ANI or ACTION_WAIT_DNIS, which are coalesced and reported as separate events.


No specific parameter.

Indicates that ANI (calling number) has been sent received (prefix/suffix detected). This event can only follow ACTION_WAIT_ANI. Note: The received ANI/DNIS digits are not passed to the script. The script does not have to know them. But the stack keeps them and they will be reported to the application upon ACTION_REPORT_VALIDATE_CALL


Same as EVENT_ANI_RECEIVED, but for DNIS (called number)


No specific parameter.

Indicates that a tone (digit) as been sent successfully following ACTION_SEND_TONE. Not normally used in CASR1 standard variants.


No specific parameter.

Indicates that ANI (calling number) has been sent successfully (all tones played). This event can only follow ACTION_SEND_ANI.


Same as EVENT_ANI_SENT, but for DNIS (called number)


No specific parameter.

Indicate that a new "forward" call must be made. The script shall take appropraite actions to initiate a new call (most likely change the CAS bits to the "off hook" state).


No specific parameter.

Indicates that this "backward" call must now be set to "alerted" state (meaning we have accepted the call, and received required information to proceed). The decision of when to alert the call is made by the application, and at that moment the script receives this event so it can take appropriate actions to alert a "backward" call. (in most variants, there is nothing to do, on some variants, a "Wink" may be sent).


No specific parameter.

Indicates that this "backward" call must now be set to "answered" state. The decision of when set the call "answered" is made by the application, and at that moment the script receives this event so it can take appropriate actions to answer. (in most variants, CAS bits must be set to an "answered" pattern).


No specific parameter.

Indicates either that: - Application requests to terminate the call. The script then take appropriate action, like sedding CAS bits to "idle" state, wait for remote equipment to acknowledge, then at the end use ACTION_END_SIGNALING to confirm that termination is completed. - Script previously called ACTION_END_SIGNALING, (after remote equipment set CAS bits to "idle" or after an error in the script), in which case this event confirms that the application is also ready to terminate the call.


No specific parameter.

Indicates that the timeslot must be locally blocked, the next time it becomes "idle". It's blocked by going "off-hook" and remaining in that state no matter remote state. This is also the default state for a newly created timeslot. This state can only be canceled by EVENT_APP_UNBLOCK_TIMESLOT


No specific parameter.

Cancels a previous EVENT_APP_BLOCK_TIMESLOT. This causes our CAS bits to be set to "on hook".


No specific parameter.

Indicates that the timer previously started with ACTION_START_TIMER has expired. Returns : RESULT_OK, or one of the return codes defined above. This result code tells to the stack if the event was properly handled by the script. Upon non-OK code, the stack may decide to terminate the call.

Stack functions that can be called by this script

StackActionToString( in_Action )

Returns string value of an action type.

Example: local action = ACTION_END_SIGNALING StackActionToString( action ) will return the string "ACTION_END_SIGNALING".

StackEventToString( in_Event )

Returns string value of an event type.

Example: StackEventToString( in_Event ) will return the string "EVENT_TIMEOUT".

StackCauseToString( in_Cause )

Returns string value of a release cause.

Example: my_release_cause = CAUSE_FWD_SEIZURE_COLLISION StackCauseToString( my_release_cause ) will return the string "CAUSE_FWD_SEIZURE_COLLISION".

StackLogTrace( in_TraceLevel, in_Format, ... )

Asks the stack to print a trace (generally debug traces).

Traces will be sent to the "tblogtrace" application.



Level of the trace (see TRACE_LEVEL_* above)


String that contains the trace to print, plus refernences to other arguments ("printf" style format)


Values for printf-style refernces of in_Format. Example: local cas_bits = 0x1100 StackLogTrace( TRACE_LEVEL_2, "Send CAS bits %08X", cas_bits ) will print "Send CAS bits 1100" to tblogtrace log.

StackAction( in_Action, ... )

This function executes the specified action (in some cases with the specified action-specific arguments). The action is done asynchronously, meaning that control will immediately return to the script. Events will be received later according to the actions taken. Upon an event, the script may perform multiple actions (like starting a timer, declarign the call "alerted" and sending CAS bits for example)

Parameters :

in_Action : The action to perform. (see constants ACTION_* documented below)

... : Variable number of action-specific arguments.



- The call release cause to report. See values "CAUSE_". Indicates either that:

- Application previously requested to terminate the call (with EVENT_APP_END_SIGNALING), in which case this action is used by the script to indicate that signaling is fully idle (local CAS bits set to "idle", remote equipment has acknowledged too with "idle" CAS bits).

- Script wants to terminate the call (after remote equipment set CAS bits to "idle" or after an error in the script). After sending ACTION_END_SIGNALING, the script must wait until EVENT_APP_END_SIGNALING is received, which confirms that application is ready to terminate the cally. Only at that moment the script shall set it's CAS bits to "idle" value.



- CAS bits to set (integer like 0x1111) Used to change the CAS bits that we are sending on current timeslot towawrd remote equipment.



- CAS bits to set during the "Wink" (integer like 0x1111) - Duration of the "Wink" (in milliseconds) Used to send a "Wink", which is temporary change of the CAS bits for few milliseconds, then back to initial CAS bits value. EVENT_WINK_COMPLETED will be received by the script once Wink has completed (CAS bits are back to their initial value)



- Expected CAS bits during the "Wink" (integer like 0x1111) - Minimum duration of the "Wink" (in ms) - Maximum duration of the "Wink" (in ms) Used to request a "Wink" detection. Upon next CAS bits change from remote equipment, the stack will see if the bits match the Wink expected bits. EVENT_WINK_DETECTED will be reported if CAS bits received from remote equipment change to the expected pattern for a duration within specified range, then go back to original value. Any other CAS bits change not deteced as a "Wink" will be reported to the script by EVENT_CAS_BITS_CHANGED (which will probably want to drop the call because a Wink was expected)



- Digit (tone) to send. (see "Digit format" below) Used to send one digit (tone) toward remote equipment. EVENT_TONE_SENT will be received once the tone has been successfully sent. Not normally used in CASR1 standard variants. Note: This action is not used to send ANI/DNIS (calling/called numbers), it's used to send other tones that may be used within the current CASR1 variant call flow.



- Prefix to send before ANI. Can be empty. - Suffix to send after ANI. Can be empty. (see "Digit format" below) Used to send ANI (calling number) toward remote equipment, using tones. A prefix may be inserted before ANI. A suffix is mandatory. It's transmitted after ANI. Remote equipment expects that suffix to determine that the ANI has been entirely sent. EVENT_ANI_SENT will be received once transmission of prefix + ANI + suffix completed


Same as ACTION_SEND_ANI, but for sending DNIS (called number)



- Prefix to expect before ANI. Can be empty. - Suffix to expect after ANI. Can be empty only if next argument (nb expected digits) is set. (see "Digit format" below) - Number of expected digits. Optional. Only required if suffix is empty. Used to wait for ANI (calling number) from remote equipment, by detecting tones. A prefix may be expected before ANI. A suffix is mandatory. It's received after ANI to indicate that the ANI has been entirely transmitted. EVENT_ANI_RECEIVED will be received if a matching prefix + suffix are detected.


Same as ACTION_WAIT_ANI, but for receiving DNIS (called number)



- ANI to set Used to replace the ANI detected by the stack with this ANI provided by the script. This action must be calld before action TBX_CASR2VMLIB_CASR1_ACTION_REPORT_VALIDATE_CALL (otherwise it's too late to set ANI) Not normally used in CASR1 standard variants.


Same as ACTION_SET_ANI, but for DNIS (called number)


No parameter.

Tell the application that seizure (off-hook) has been deteced on a timeslot.


No parameter.

Tell the application that ANI and/or DNIS have been successfully received, and we now have the information required to process this incoming call.


No parameter.

Tell the application that a "forward" call has been accepted by remote equipment, often by detecting a "Wink".


No parameter.

Tell the application that a "forward" call has been alerted by remote equipment. On most variants, there is no specific indication from remote side, and this action must be taken upon EVENT_DNIS_SENT. On other variants, a "Wink" may be awaited before calling this action.


No parameter.

Tell the application that a "forward" call has been answered by remote equipment, generally because "off-hook" CAS bits have been received.


No parameter.

Tells the application that the script considers the timeslot as "remotely blocked". This is the case when remote side goes "off hook" and remains in that state for some duration after we've returned to "on hook" on our side.


No parameter.

Tells the application that the timeslot is no more "remotely blocked", because remote equipment went "on hook" after we reported ACTION_REPORT_BLOCKED.



- Timer duration in milliseconds. Starts a timer. EVENT_TIMEOUT will be posted if the timer expires before ACTION_CANCEL_TIMER is called.


No parameter. Cancels a timer previously started with ACTION_START_TIMER.

Digit format:

The digit format (for sending tone or ANI/DNIS prefix/suffix) is represented by a string that contains up to 3 of the following characters: 0123456789ABCD*#

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