VerifyIsdn B

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Allyntree (Talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 16:11, 7 March 2016

Applies to version(s): v2.9.

This article illustrates how to view ISDN status and to set a periodic refresh of the ISDN protocol stack. This is done from the Status menu and the Navigation panel.


Status menu

1- Click Status in the navigation panel.

Status 0.png

2- Click the ISDN tab.

TabIsdn 0.png

The status of the ISDN protocol stack is displayed.

StatusIsdn 0.png

Navigation Panel

1- Click ISDN from the navigation panel.

StatusIsdn 1.png

2- Click the Status tab.

StatusIsdn 2.png

3- The ISDN Stack status is displayed.

  • To configure a periodic refresh of the ISDN status, select a value from Refresh Every.

StatusIsdn 3.png

4- To view the status of the ISDN timeslots, click Timeslots Graphical Overview.

StatusIsdn 4.png

5- To view a global view of the ISDN timeslots, click Global Timeslots Graphical Overview

StatusIsdn 5.png


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