Toolpack:Configuring SIP Authentication A

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Revision as of 11:25, 31 January 2018

Applies to version(s): v3.0


Follow this procedure if you require the Tmedia to answer the SIP INVITE/BYE authentication challenges (ie. interface a SIP with a TDM network). If you need those challenges messages to be forward, do not follow this procedure. This procedure assumes that your SIP NAP is already configured.

You need to edit the SIP NAP and configure the SIP realm.

To Access your SIP NAP Configuration:

1- Click NAPs in the navigation panel

Sip Nap 0.png

2- Select a SIP NAP from the Network Access Point List

EnableSipISipT 1.png

3- Expand the Authentication Parameters section

ExpandNAPAuthenticationParametersSection 1.png

4- Fill the Realm information

FillNAPAuthenticationRealm 1.png


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