TSBC-SW:Cloud:VMware Adding Passthrough Interfaces A

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Luc Morissette (Talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 17:01, 27 February 2018

Applies to version(s): v3.0 and above

For high performance FreeSBC VMware systems, Passthrough mode can be enabled on network interfaces. Performance indications can be viewed here: Requirements Matrix This process requires a reboot of the host server running the VMware services.

Configure VMware Passthrough Networking Interface

  1. Log in using the Vmware web interface
  2. Find MAC address of ethernet interface that will be used for passthrough
  3. Host -> Manage -> Hardware -> PCI Devices -> Select Device -> "Toggle Passthrough"
  4. Reboot the host
  5. Select the FreeSBC instance -> Edit -> "Add Other Device"
  6. Select the Ethernet interface to be used in passthrough mode

You can then launch the FreeSBC instance. When selecting the interfaces in the network interface roles, use the appropriate MAC address from first step. You may also notice that the device name is not "E1000" or "VMXNET" but a real Physical interface name.

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