Tmedia Routing

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TelcoBridges has developed a simple and flexible call routing engine.

It is possible to represent the features of the call routing engine in 4 different sections:

  • Base Routing
  • Standard Routing Scripts
  • Scriptable Routing
  • Routing Tables


Base Routing

The base routing is configured by default in the VoIP Gateway.

It uses the parameters from the incoming call to find a route and make the routing decision.

Incoming call parameters used by base routing:

  • NAP
  • Called Number
  • Calling Number

NOTE:The route can filter the called and/or calling numbers using a specific number or use a regular expression.

Once there is a route match (subject to NAP availability), the TMG-CONTROL can remap those call parameters to create the outgoing call.

Here are the parameters that can be change for an outgoing calls:

The called and calling number can be remapped by using a regular expression.

Standard Routing Scripts

Scriptable Routing

Routing Tables

Route Retry

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