Redundancy & High Availability

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This article describes TelcoBridges' VoIP Gateway high availability features. The hardware and software are design with the following 2 goals in mind:

  1. First and foremost, to recover from a system failure to minimize the system down time or instability as much as possible. This is achieve with a fault tolerant and redundancy architecture.
  2. Secondly, to keep active calls open after a fail-over whenever possible.


TelcoBridges High Availability

TelcoBridges High Availability should be seen as a collection of high availability and redundancy features instead of one single feature. This means that customer can go as little or as far as they want to create a high availability system.


Here is a list of terms used in the description of the high availability features:

High Availability Features

Hardware High Availability Features

TelcoBridges Hardware HA Product Checklist

This checklist provides a quick overview of each Tmedia product and their high availability/redundancy hardware support

Products Hardware High Availability Features
TMG800 TMG3200 Series TMG7800
Dual Power Supply YesY (Optional) YesY YesY
Control Network Redundancy N/A N/A YesY
Dual Voip Network YesY YesY YesY
Host Redundancy NoN NoN YesY

Software Features

Installation, Maintenance and Provisioning

This section will show how to install, upgrade and configure a high availability system.

First, we will look at the software installation and provisioning (Host redundancy).

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