System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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importlogpagetext (Talk)Administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis.
importnofile (Talk)No import file was uploaded.
importnopages (Talk)No pages to import.
importnosources (Talk)No transwiki import sources have been defined and direct history uploads are disabled.
importnotext (Talk)Empty or no text
importstart (Talk)Importing pages...
importsuccess (Talk)Import finished!
importtext (Talk)Please export the file from the source wiki using the [[Special:Export|export utility]]. Save it to your computer and upload it here.
importunknownsource (Talk)Unknown import source type
importuploaderrorpartial (Talk)Upload of import file failed. The file was only partially uploaded.
importuploaderrorsize (Talk)Upload of import file failed. The file is bigger than the allowed upload size.
importuploaderrortemp (Talk)Upload of import file failed. A temporary folder is missing.
index-category (Talk)Indexed pages
infiniteblock (Talk)infinite
intentionallyblankpage (Talk)This page is intentionally left blank.
internalerror (Talk)Internal error
internalerror_info (Talk)Internal error: $1
invalidateemail (Talk)Cancel e-mail confirmation
invalidemailaddress (Talk)The e-mail address cannot be accepted as it appears to have an invalid format. Please enter a well-formatted address or empty that field.
invert (Talk)Invert selection
ip_range_invalid (Talk)Invalid IP range.
ip_range_toolarge (Talk)Range blocks larger than /$1 are not allowed.
ipadressorusername (Talk)IP address or username:
ipb-blockingself (Talk)You are about to block yourself! Are you sure you want to do that?
ipb-blocklist (Talk)View existing blocks
ipb-blocklist-contribs (Talk)Contributions for $1
ipb-change-block (Talk)Re-block the user with these settings
ipb-confirm (Talk)Confirm block
ipb-confirmhideuser (Talk)You are about to block a user with "hide user" enabled. This will suppress the user's name in all lists and log entries. Are you sure you want to do that?
ipb-disableusertalk (Talk)Prevent this user from editing their own talk page while blocked
ipb-edit-dropdown (Talk)Edit block reasons
ipb-hardblock (Talk)Prevent logged-in users from editing from this IP address
ipb-needreblock (Talk)$1 is already blocked. Do you want to change the settings?
ipb-otherblocks-header (Talk)Other {{PLURAL:$1|block|blocks}}
ipb-unblock (Talk)Unblock a username or IP address
ipb-unblock-addr (Talk)Unblock $1
ipb_already_blocked (Talk)"$1" is already blocked
ipb_blocked_as_range (Talk)Error: The IP address $1 is not blocked directly and cannot be unblocked. It is, however, blocked as part of the range $2, which can be unblocked.
ipb_cant_unblock (Talk)Error: Block ID $1 not found. It may have been unblocked already.
ipb_expiry_invalid (Talk)Expiry time invalid.
ipb_expiry_temp (Talk)Hidden username blocks must be permanent.
ipb_hide_invalid (Talk)Unable to suppress this account; it may have too many edits.
ipbblocked (Talk)You cannot block or unblock other users, because you are yourself blocked
ipbcreateaccount (Talk)Prevent account creation
ipbemailban (Talk)Prevent user from sending e-mail
ipbenableautoblock (Talk)Automatically block the last IP address used by this user, and any subsequent IP addresses they try to edit from
ipbexpiry (Talk)Expiry:
ipbhidename (Talk)Hide username from edits and lists
ipblocklist (Talk)Blocked users
ipblocklist-empty (Talk)The blocklist is empty.
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