Toolpack:Creating an SCCP SSN A
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Revision as of 09:56, 11 May 2012 by Sylvain Fontaine (Talk | contribs)
Now that you have configured an SCCP route, you can addSCCP Sub-System Number (SSN) on the route.
SCCP Sub-System Number are used to identify applications of this route's DPC. SCCP managament will maintain the availability state for each SSN associated to this route's DPC. The SSN management status affects the routing decision. If a peer SSN is unavailable, the SCCP stack will try an alternate DPC/route.
To Create an SCCP SSN:
1- Click Create New SSN from the SCCP route configuration window
2- Configure the new SCCP SSN:
- Choose a Sub-System Number for this route's DPC
- Select a Replication Mode (ANSI and Telcordia only)
- Select the First Concerned Point Code that requires notification upon state change of this peer SSN
- Select the Second Concerned Point Code that requires notification upon state change of this peer SSN
- Click Create
3- Verify that the "SccpRtSsn was successfully created" message appears