Configuring Lawful Interception
From TBwiki
Applies to version(s): v2.7
To configure a Law Enforcement Agency:
1- Select Lawful Interception from the navigation panel
This page contains global Lawful Intercept parameters, and a list of Law Enforcement Agencies.
Available parameter:
- NWO (Network Operator) Identifier: An internationally unique identifier that represents the network operator, access provider or service provider using the Tmedia equipment
Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies can be created in Toolpack. Each operates independently of others, and can intercept the same calls, as well as different ones.
Each Law Enforcement Agency has the following parameters:
- Name
- .csv file that contains the list of targets to intercept
- NAP to use for making outgoing calls to Law Enforcement Agencies, carrying audio for intercepted call legs
- Configuration of FTP/SFTP client for uploading IRI (Intercept Related Information) records to Law Enforcement Agency's FTP or SFTP server:
- IP address or domain name of the FTP/SFTP server
- User name to use for FTP/SFTP server login
- Password to use for FTP/SFTP server login
- Remote directory to store IRI records into
- FTP/SFTP connection timeout
- Maximum number of IRI entries in the upload queue
- Maximum time a IRI entry can remain in the upload queue