CAF: Leg Creation Samples
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Revision as of 08:59, 21 October 2009 by Mathieu St-Jean (Talk | contribs)
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Creating a Standalone Outgoing Call
PTRCTBCMC_CALL_LEG_ATTRIBUTE ptrOutgoingLegAttribute; ptrOutgoingLegAttribute = tbnew CTBCMC_CALL_LEG_ATTRIBUTE(); ptrOutgoingLegAttribute->GetCalledNumber() = "123-4567"; ptrOutgoingLegAttribute->GetCallingNumber() = "987-6543"; ptrOutgoingLegAttribute->GetNetworkAccessPoint() = "NAP_SS7_MONTREAL"; PTRCTBCAFCallLeg ptrOutgoingCallLeg = CreateOutgoingCallLeg(ptrOutgoingLegAttribute);
Bridging an Incoming Call (manual method)
Bridging an Incoming Call (using CTBCAFBridge )
Creating a Media-only Leg
You must first create a media only leg attribute:
PTRCTBCMC_MEDIA_ONLY_LEG_ATTRIBUTE ptrLegAttribute; ptrLegAttribute = tbnew CTBCMC_MEDIA_ONLY_LEG_ATTRIBUTE(); ptrLegAttribute->GetNetworkAccessPoint() = "NAP_SS7_MONTREAL"; pMediaDesc = ptrLegAttribute->GetProfile()->MediaDescription; pMediaDesc->Type = TBCMC_MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; pMediaDesc->Transport = TBCMC_MEDIA_TRANSPORT_TDM or TBCMC_MEDIA_TRANSPORT_IP;
Depending on which type of NAP your using, some parameters must be set. If you are using the NAP_MEDIA_TDM:
pMediaDesc->Settings.TdmAudio.Type = TBCMC_MEDIA_SETTINGS_TYPE_TDM_AUDIO; pMediaDesc->Settings.TdmAudio.un8Timeslot = 5; Strncpy ( pMediaDesc->Settings.TdmAudio.szTrunkName, "TRUNK_TORONTO_1", sizeof(pMediaDesc->Settings.TdmAudio.szTrunkName) );
If you are using the NAP_MEDIA_VOIP:
TBX_RESULT Result; TBX_SDP_INFO SdpInfo; pMediaDesc->Settings.PacketAudio.Type = TBCMC_MEDIA_SETTINGS_TYPE_PACKET_AUDIO; // Set Local SDP Result = BuildSdpInfo("", 0, SdpInfo); // No IP specified, Toolpack will choose one TBCAF_EXIT_ON_ERROR( Result, "BuildSdpInfo failed." ); ptrLegAttribute->SetLocalSDP(&SdpInfo); // Set Peer SDP Result = BuildSdpInfo("", 5000, SdpInfo); // Using peer IP address and port TBCAF_EXIT_ON_ERROR( Result, "BuildSdpInfo failed." ); ptrLegAttribute->SetPeerSDP(&SdpInfo);
To see how to fill a TBX_SDP_INFO structure (implementation of BuildSdpInfo()), refer to Filling an SDP Structure.
After that, all you have to do is create a TBCMCLeg and call CreateCall(), like this:
PCTBCMCLeg pCallLeg = tbnew CTBCMCLeg( ++mun32LegId, ptrLegAttribute, this, 0, &mLegMutex ); pCallLeg->CreateCall();