Toolpack:Creating an SCCP Userpart A

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The Userpart is the container for the multiple SCCP interfaces. One Userpart is required for each protocol variant.

multiple SCCP userpart can be instantiated within a single SCCP protocol layer. This allows a user application to interface with multiple SS7 SCCP protocol variants at the same time. Only one SCCP userpart is required for a specific variant as it can be assigned to multiple SCCP networks.

A Userpart can easily be seen as a protocol variant that a host application wants to use on the SS7 network.

To Create an SCCP User Part:

1- Click Create New SCCP User Part to access the SCCP configuration window

Toolpack v2.5 Create SCCP Userpart.png

2- Configure the new SCCP user part

  • Enter a name for the user part
  • Enter a sub-system number
  • Select the first concerned point code
  • Select the second concerned point code
  • Click Create

Toolpack v2.5 Creating SCCP Userpart.png

3- Verify that the SCCP Userpart was successfully created message appears

Toolpack v2.5 SCCP Userpart Created.png

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