Adding Label Routing to a Routing Script

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Applies to version(s): v2.5, v2.6.

To implement label routing to any routing script, do the following:

1- Click Routing script in the navigation panel.

RoutingScript 0 A.png

2- Select the script that you wish to edit.

RoutingScript 1 A.png

The Script Editing Window is displayed.

RoutingScript 2 A.png

3- Add the following line at the very beginning of the script file:

require 'routesets_digit_analyzer'

4- Include the module in your routing class:

class MyRoutingClass < BaseRouting

include RoutesetsDigitAnalyzer





5- Add a before_filter with 'routesets_digit_analyzer' method:

before_filter :method => :routesets_digit_analyzer, :trie_order => :called

Complete Example

require 'base_routing'
require 'routesets_digit_analyzer'

class MyRoutingClass < BaseRouting
include RoutesetsDigitAnalyzer

before_filter :method => :routesets_digit_analyzer, :trie_order => :called

route_match :call_field_name => :called
route_match :call_field_name => :calling
route_match :call_field_name => :nap
route_match :method => :match_nap_availability
route_remap :call_field_name => :called, :route_field_name => :remapped_called
route_remap :call_field_name => :calling, :route_field_name => :remapped_calling
route_remap :call_field_name => :nap, :route_field_name => :remapped_nap

Note: Other filter scripts can be added to the standard scripts to add further flexibility to the routing. For furtehr information, consult How to Setup Filters.

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