Modifying Profile for SPIROU

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Applies to version(s): v2.8.

This articles assumes that SS7 ISUP is configured

Note that if you want to eventually validate SPIROU configuration, you will need to repeat these steps for all of the profiles in your current configuration..

1- Select Profiles from the navigation panel

ModifyProfileSpirou 0.png

2- Select the profile you wish to configure

ModifyProfileSpirou 1.png

3- Expand the SIP section and set the following parameter check boxes:

  • Forward SS7 suspend/resume must be checked
  • Forward SS7 CPG hold/retrieval must be checked
  • Forward SIP hold type must be set to SS7 Suspend/Resume or SS7 Remote Hold/Retrieval
  • Max Forwards header handling must be set to Decrement and forward

ModifyProfileSpirou 2.png

4- Expand the SS7 section and set the following parameter check boxes:

  • Forward call suspend/resume must be checked
  • Forward call CPG hold/retrieval must be checked
  • Hop Counter IE handling must be set to Decrement and forward

ModifyProfileSpirou 3.png

5- Expand the SS7 or ISDN section and set the following parameter checkboxes:

  • Information transfer capability must be set to Relay
  • Click Save

ModifyProfileSpirou 4.png

6- Verify that the "Profile was successfully updated" message is displayed

ModifyProfileSpirou 5.png

List of Parameters


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