Modifying LNP Profile Settings

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Applies to version(s): v2.9

Local Number Portability" (LNP) enables switching and terminating equipment to know how best to route a call to its destination. For further information about LNP, refer to Local Number Portability.

To modify LNP profile settings:

1- Click LNP Options in the Editing Profile window, to display the customizable options.

ProfileLnp 0.png

2- Modify settings as required.

  • Click Save

ProfileLnp 1.png



Parameters (text)

name                            = "@[profile_name]"

call_transfer_mode               = "Relay"
call_transfer_timeout            = "1 minute"
terminate_transferor_immediately = false

vad_enabled           = false
vad_noise_floor_level = "-30"

incoming_lnp_mode = "Terminate LNP"
outgoing_lnp_mode = "No LNP insertion"

look_ahead_for_busy = "LFB allowed"
network_identity    = 0
outgoing_mode       = "No MLPP insertion"
precedence_level    = "PL flash override"
service_domain      = 0

subject_to_electric_hybrid_echo = true

busy_tone_max_duration                     = "30 seconds"
default_digit_duration                     = 100
default_interval_between_digits            = 60
generate_busy_tone                         = false
tone_definition_profile                    = "USA-Canada"

connect_full_duplex_during_early_media = false
delay_before_connecting_early_media    = "0 millisecond"
incoming_calls_early_media_mode        = "Forward from outgoing to incoming call"
outgoing_calls_early_media_mode        = "Automatic early media detection"
ring_tone_starting_state               = "Call Alerted"



default_backward_call_indicator              = "0x5404"
default_backward_call_indicator_enforce_mask = "0x0000"
default_forward_call_indicator               = "0x2001"
default_forward_call_indicator_enforce_mask  = "0x0000"
dont_forward_early_acm                       = false
force_backward_call_indicator_in_anm         = false
forward_application_transport_ie             = false
forward_call_cpg_hold_retrieval              = true
forward_call_indicator_international         = false
forward_call_suspend_resume                  = true
hop_counter_ie_handling                      = "Decrement and forward"
send_charge_number_ie_in_iam                 = false

always_send_alerting            = false
cnam_collection_timeout         = "1 second"
cnam_using_alternate_methods    = false
colr                            = false
information_transfer_capability = "Relay"
network_specific_facilities_ie  = ""
send_connected_number_ie        = false
send_display_ie                 = false
support_2_calling_number_ie     = false


detection_mode                        = "Standard"
enable_early_fax_modem_tone_detection = false
enable_fax_modem_relay                = true
expected_cng_tones                    = 2
fax_modem_tones_detection_duration    = "30 seconds"
modem_vs_fax_distinction_timeout      = "0 millisecond"
relay_mode                            = "T.38"
switch_to_fax_relay_upon_cng_tone     = true
switch_to_passthrough_upon_bell_ans   = true

codec               = "PCMU"
detection_type      = "Silence suppression off"
force_v152_vbd      = false
jitter_buffer_depth = 40
packet_duration     = "20ms"
support_v152_vbd    = false
use_nse             = false

fill_bit_removal             = false
max_bitrate                  = "14400"
redundancy_count             = 0
transmission_level_minus_dbm = 10
use_v34                      = false

clear_channel_packet_duration      = "20ms"
codec_g726_aal2_format             = false
drop_call_thresholds_no_rx_packets = "0 second"
vad_noise_floor_level              = "-45"

echo_cancellation_enabled        = true
enable_coefficient_update        = true
enable_dc_removal_filter         = true
gain_power_level                 = "0"
non_linear_processor_tune_option = "Normal"

initial_depth   = 20
max_depth       = 200
min_depth       = 20
smooth_deletion = true

packet_loss_concealment = true
type_of_service         = 0

rtcp_enabled          = false
sdes_cname            = ""
transmission_interval = "5 seconds"
use_xrtcp             = false

rx_gain_level = 0
tx_gain_level = 0

force_fax_tones_as_telephony_event = false
profile_sdp_description            = "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 8 4 18 101 13\r\na=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\na=fmtp:101 0-15,32-36"

detect_180_with_sdp_as_early_media = true
dont_forward_183_progress          = false
dtmf_relay_scheme                  = [ "Relay DTMF according to RFC2833", "Relay DTMF using SIP INFO messages", "Relay DTMF in band" ]
enable_sip_custom_headers          = false
forward_sip_hold_type              = "SS7 Remote Hold/Retrieval"
forward_ss7_cpg_hold_retrieval     = true
forward_ss7_suspend_resume         = true
max_forwards_handling              = "Decrement and forward"
sdp_combining_options              = [ "Use sender's codec order" ]
sdp_generation_options             = [  ]
send_180_with_sdp                  = false
use_isup_oli_format                = false
use_non_ambiguous_from_tag         = false
use_reason_header                  = true
use_strict_routing                 = false
user_to_user_encoding              = "Escaped text"

Parameters (json)

  "call_transfer_options" : {
    "call_transfer_mode" : "Relay",
    "call_transfer_timeout" : "1 minute",
    "terminate_transferor_immediately" : false
  "ivr_record" : {
    "vad_enabled" : false,
    "vad_noise_floor_level" : "-30"
  "lnp_options" : {
    "incoming_lnp_mode" : "Terminate LNP",
    "outgoing_lnp_mode" : "No LNP insertion"
  "mlpp_options" : {
    "look_ahead_for_busy" : "LFB allowed",
    "network_identity" : 0,
    "outgoing_mode" : "No MLPP insertion",
    "precedence_level" : "PL flash override",
    "service_domain" : 0
  "name" : "@[profile_name]",
  "tdm_line" : {
    "subject_to_electric_hybrid_echo" : true
  "tones_and_call_progress_options" : {
    "busy_tone_max_duration" : "30 seconds",
    "default_digit_duration" : 100,
    "default_interval_between_digits" : 60,
    "early_media_relay_and_ring_tone_generation" : {
      "connect_full_duplex_during_early_media" : false,
      "delay_before_connecting_early_media" : "0 millisecond",
      "incoming_calls_early_media_mode" : "Forward from outgoing to incoming call",
      "outgoing_calls_early_media_mode" : "Automatic early media detection",
      "ring_tone_starting_state" : "Call Alerted"
    "generate_busy_tone" : false,
    "tone_definition_profile" : "USA-Canada"
  "custom_cause_maps" : {
  "tdm" : {
    "ss7" : {
      "default_backward_call_indicator" : "0x5404",
      "default_backward_call_indicator_enforce_mask" : "0x0000",
      "default_forward_call_indicator" : "0x2001",
      "default_forward_call_indicator_enforce_mask" : "0x0000",
      "dont_forward_early_acm" : false,
      "force_backward_call_indicator_in_anm" : false,
      "forward_application_transport_ie" : false,
      "forward_call_cpg_hold_retrieval" : true,
      "forward_call_indicator_international" : false,
      "forward_call_suspend_resume" : true,
      "hop_counter_ie_handling" : "Decrement and forward",
      "send_charge_number_ie_in_iam" : false
    "ss7_or_isdn" : {
      "always_send_alerting" : false,
      "cnam_collection_timeout" : "1 second",
      "cnam_using_alternate_methods" : false,
      "colr" : false,
      "information_transfer_capability" : "Relay",
      "network_specific_facilities_ie" : "",
      "send_connected_number_ie" : false,
      "send_display_ie" : false,
      "support_2_calling_number_ie" : false
  "voip" : {
    "fax_modem_relay" : {
      "detection_mode" : "Standard",
      "enable_early_fax_modem_tone_detection" : false,
      "enable_fax_modem_relay" : true,
      "expected_cng_tones" : 2,
      "fax_modem_passthrough_parameters" : {
        "codec" : "PCMU",
        "detection_type" : "Silence suppression off",
        "force_v152_vbd" : false,
        "jitter_buffer_depth" : 40,
        "packet_duration" : "20ms",
        "support_v152_vbd" : false,
        "use_nse" : false
      "fax_modem_tones_detection_duration" : "30 seconds",
      "modem_vs_fax_distinction_timeout" : "0 millisecond",
      "relay_mode" : "T.38",
      "switch_to_fax_relay_upon_cng_tone" : true,
      "switch_to_passthrough_upon_bell_ans" : true,
      "t38_parameters" : {
        "fill_bit_removal" : false,
        "max_bitrate" : "14400",
        "redundancy_count" : 0,
        "transmission_level_minus_dbm" : 10,
        "use_v34" : false
    "rtp_and_audio" : {
      "clear_channel_packet_duration" : "20ms",
      "codec_g726_aal2_format" : false,
      "drop_call_thresholds_no_rx_packets" : "0 second",
      "echo_cancellation" : {
        "echo_cancellation_enabled" : true,
        "enable_coefficient_update" : true,
        "enable_dc_removal_filter" : true,
        "gain_power_level" : "0",
        "non_linear_processor_tune_option" : "Normal"
      "jitter_buffer" : {
        "initial_depth" : 20,
        "max_depth" : 200,
        "min_depth" : 20,
        "smooth_deletion" : true
      "packet_network" : {
        "packet_loss_concealment" : true,
        "type_of_service" : 0
      "rtcp" : {
        "rtcp_enabled" : false,
        "sdes_cname" : "",
        "transmission_interval" : "5 seconds",
        "use_xrtcp" : false
      "tdm_volume_control" : {
        "rx_gain_level" : 0,
        "tx_gain_level" : 0
      "vad_noise_floor_level" : "-45"
    "sdp" : {
      "force_fax_tones_as_telephony_event" : false,
      "profile_sdp_description" : "m=audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 8 4 18 101 13\r\na=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000\r\na=fmtp:101 0-15,32-36"
    "sip" : {
      "detect_180_with_sdp_as_early_media" : true,
      "dont_forward_183_progress" : false,
      "dtmf_relay_scheme" : [
        "Relay DTMF according to RFC2833",
        "Relay DTMF using SIP INFO messages",
        "Relay DTMF in band"
      "enable_sip_custom_headers" : false,
      "forward_sip_hold_type" : "SS7 Remote Hold/Retrieval",
      "forward_ss7_cpg_hold_retrieval" : true,
      "forward_ss7_suspend_resume" : true,
      "max_forwards_handling" : "Decrement and forward",
      "sdp_combining_options" : [
        "Use sender's codec order"
      "sdp_generation_options" : [
      "send_180_with_sdp" : false,
      "use_isup_oli_format" : false,
      "use_non_ambiguous_from_tag" : false,
      "use_reason_header" : true,
      "use_strict_routing" : false,
      "user_to_user_encoding" : "Escaped text"

List of Parameters

LNP Options

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