Creating a Line Service
From TBwiki
Applies to version(s): v2.9.
A line service defines the type of paylaod that a line interface carries or it defines another line service. The definition of a line service ends when it reaches the E1/J1/T1 line service.
The E1/J1/T1 line services are also known as trunks or spans.
To create a new line service:
1- Select TDM Line Interfaces from the navigation panel
2- Select the line interface for which you would like to create a line service.
3- Click Create new child line service
4- Enter a name for the new line service
- Select a line service type.
- Select an available local index.
- Select a framingmode.
- Click Create.
5- The new line service is displayed in the Line Services list
Parameters (text)
Parameters (json)
List of Parameters
Advanced Parameters