TSBC-SW Initial Configuration

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Applies to version(s): v3.0

Initial configuration of the TSBC-SW is done through a web browser (Chrome, Firefox or other). Before starting, you need these information:

  • Activation key: it has the format VTB-XXX-XXXX. If you do not have this key, please contact our sales team
  • Is the system used as a standalone unit or is it used in a Primary/Secondary configuration?
  • Does the system require external transcoding? As an example, G.711 to G.729a transcoding.
  • Role of each of the network interfaces

Then, follow the procedure below.

First Time Installation

Accessing the TSBC-SW web portal

  1. Open a web browser to the IP of your server, on port 12358. Example if your server address is, the URL would be:
  2. You will get the TSBC Configuration Wizard

TSBC WebPortal Configuration wizard.jpg

  1. You need to accept the EULA agreement

TSBC SW EULA agreement 1.png

  1. Enter your activation key

TSBC SW Enter activation key 1.png

  1. Select the configuration of your SBC - either standalone, or in a Primary/Secondary configuration

TSBC SW standalone 1.png

  1. If the system requires external transcoding, select it here. As an example, if the system needs G.711 to G.729a transcoding, then select yes.

TSBC SW transcoding 1.png

  1. Here you will choose the role of the network adapters in the system here is a short description of each type:
  • mgmt: Used for management of the system
  • ctrl0: Used for communication with the external transcoding devices
  • ctrl1: Same as ctrl0. Adds redundancy
  • LAN0: Access to private network
  • WAN0: Access to public network

TSBC SW choose LAN interface role 1.png

  1. You can select the "+" sign to get more information on this interface

TSBC SW choose LAN interface role 2.png

  1. Once completed, you will be asked get the license seed of this unit to allow for license installation. Please go here: Toolpack:Retreiving_a_License_TSBC_A

To get help, please contact TelcoBridges TB Support.

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