Call statistics format B

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Field name Description
Receive statistics
@{StatSummary} Summary of the RTP and T.38 stats in a pre-defined format:
RTP( Rx(Pkt=2 CN=0 Signaling=0 Err=0) Tx(Pkt=0 CN=0 Signaling=0 Err=0)) T38( Rx(Pages=0 Pkt=0 Err=0) Tx(Pages=0 Pkt=0)) )
For customized format, use other variables below.
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx} Summary of the Rx stats: (Packets;CNPackets;SignalingPackets;Errors)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Packets} Number of packets received from the IP network (audio + comfort noise + signaling)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:VoicePackets} Number of voice (audio) packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:VoiceBytes} Number of payload bytes from voice (audio) packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:CNPackets} Number of comfort noise packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:SignalingPackets} Number of signaling packets (like "Telephony events") received from the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:IPPackets} Number of packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:IPBytes} Number of bytes received from the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:RFC2833Tones} Number of RFC2833 tones received from the IP network, and played back to TDM
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:RedundantPackets} Number of redundant packets received from the IP network (same sequence number received more than once)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:MeanPower} Mean audio power (from IP to TDM direction), in dBov (0 the loudest, negative is softer level). Available only for calls with Echo cancellation enabled, thus only TDM<->IP calls.
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:VoiceDuration} Duration (in seconds) of voice (audio), from IP to TDM direction
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:PlayoutDelay} Current IP to TDM audio delay in millisecond (adaptive jitter buffer delay)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:MaxPlayoutDelay} Maximum (for the whole call) IP to TDM audio delay in millisecond (adaptive jitter buffer delay)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:SsrcChanges} Number of changes of "SSRC" RTP header value (counting initial SSRC received as one)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Concealments} Number of times decoder made audio concealment to preserve audio continuity (frequent upon first packet of a call, or after RFC2833 tones)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Echo:ERLLevel} Attenuation of a signal from the received-out port to the send-in port of an echo canceller
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Error:BufOverflows} Number of packets dropped due to jitter buffer adaptation (to keep play-out delay low)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Error:SeqErrors} Number of sequence errors detected among packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Error:BadPackets} Number of packets received with invalid header, or other error preventing proper audio decoding
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Error:RFC2833BadPackets: Number of RFC2833 signaling packets that could not be properly decoded
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Error:LatePackets} Number of packets that arrived after the moment they should have started to be played-out to TDM
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Error:LostPackets} Number of packets considered "lost" (never received for play-out to TDM)
@{Stat:Rtp:Rx:Errors} Total of all "Rtp:Rx:Error:" statistics above
Transmit statistics
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx} Summary of the Tx stats: (Packets;CNPackets;SignalingPackets;Errors)
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:Packets} Number of packets sent to the IP network (audio + comfort noise + signaling)
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:VoicePackets} Number of voice (audio) packets sent to the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:CNPackets} Number of comfort noise packets sent to the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:SignalingPackets} Number of signaling packets (like "Telephony events") sent to the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:IPPackets} Number of packets sent to the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:IPBytes} Number of bytes sent to the IP network
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:RFC2833Tones} Number of RFC2833 tones sent to the IP network (relaying corresponding detected TDM tones)
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:MeanPower} Mean audio power (from TDM to IP direction), in dBov (0 the loudest, negative is softer level). Available only for calls with Echo cancellation enabled, thus only TDM<->IP calls.
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:VoiceDuration} Duration (in seconds) of voice (audio), from TDM to IP direction
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:Echo:ACOMLevel} Attenuation of a signal from the receive-out port to the send-out port of an echo canceller
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:Error:LostPackets} Number of packets considered "lost" by remote side (only available if RTCP is used)
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:Error:ArpFailure} Number of failures to ARP remote IP address to send RTP packets to (preventing sending any packets)
@{Stat:Rtp:Tx:Errors} Total of all "Rtp:Tx:Error:" statistics above
RTCP statistics (only if RTCP is enabled on the profile)
@{Stat:Rtcp} Summary of the Rtcp stats: (Packets;LostPackets;Jitter)
@{Stat:Rtcp:Packets} Number of packets reported as received by remote equipment
@{Stat:Rtcp:LostPackets} Number of packets reported as lost by remote equipment
@{Stat:Rtcp:Jitter} Inter-packet interval jitter, in millisecond
@{Stat:Rtcp:RoundTripDelay} Round-trip delay in milliseconds. Requires extended RTCP (XRTCP) to be enabled.
T38 statistics
@{Stat:T38:StateChanges} Number of T.38 state changes, through T.30 negotiation between FAX machines
@{Stat:T38:Rx Summary of the T.38 Rx stats: (Pages;Packets;Errors)
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Pages} Number of FAX pages received from T.38 packets from the IP network
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Packets} Number of T.38 packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Bytes} Number of T.38 payload bytes from T.38 packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Duration} Duration of the T.38 session from IP to TDM
@{Stat:T38:Rx:PlayoutDelay} Current IP to TDM audio delay in millisecond (re-modulation and jitter buffer delay)
@{Stat:T38:Rx:MaxPlayoutDelay} Maximum IP to TDM audio delay in millisecond (re-modulation and jitter buffer delay)
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Error:BufOverflows} Number of packets dropped because "from IP" jitter buffer is full
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Error:BufUnderflows} Number of times T.38 re-modulation to TDM had no data (received from IP) to re-modulate
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Error:SeqErrors} Number of sequence errors detected among packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Error:BadPackets} Number of packets received with invalid header, or other error preventing proper audio decoding
@{Stat:T38:Rx:Errors} Total of all "T38:Rx:Error:" statistics above
@{Stat:T38:Tx} Summary of the T.38 Tx stats: (Pages;Packets)
@{Stat:T38:Tx:Pages} Number of FAX pages received from TDM, sent to T.38 packets to the IP network
@{Stat:T38:Tx:Packets} Number of T.38 packets sent to the IP network
@{Stat:T38:Tx:Bytes} Number of T.38 payload bytes from T.38 packets sent to the IP network
@{Stat:T38:Tx:Duration} Duration of the T.38 session from TDM to IP
@{Stat:T38:FromTdm:MeanPower} Mean audio power received from TDM side, in dBov (0 the loudest, negative is softer level)
TMS-IP statistics (only for calls joined to a call leg on another adapter, and that used TMS-IP to carry audio from one adapter to the other)
@{Stat:TmsIp} Summary of the TMS-IP stats: (Packets;Errors)
@{Stat:TmsIp:Packets Number of TMS-IP packets received from the other joined call leg
@{Stat:TmsIp:Bytes Number of TMS-IP bytes received from the other joined call leg
@{Stat:TmsIp:Duration Duration (in seconds) of the TMS-IP connection
@{Stat:TmsIp:Error:BufOverflows Number of TMS-IP packets dropped due to jitter buffer overflow
@{Stat:TmsIp:Error:SeqErrors Number of TMS-IP packet sequence errors detected among packets received from the IP network
@{Stat:TmsIp:Error:BadPackets Number of TMS-IP packets received with invalid header, or other error preventing proper audio decoding
@{Stat:TmsIp:Error:LatePackets Number of TMS-IP packets that arrived too late, causing jitter buffer underrun
@{Stat:TmsIp:Error:LostPackets Number of TMS-IP packets considered "lost" (never received)
@{Stat:TmsIp:Errors} Total of all "TmsIp:Error:" statistics above

The following stats are available starting with release 3.0:

Field name Description
Receive statistics
@{ErrorSummary} Summary of reported leg errors in a pre-defined format:
FromNetwork(NoPackets;ExcessivePackets;ExcessivePayloadTypeChanges;ExcessiveIpPortChanges) ToNetwork(NoPackets)
For customized format, use other variables below.
@{Error:FromNetwork} Summary of the leg errors 'from network': (NoPackets;ExcessivePackets;ExcessivePayloadTypeChanges;ExcessiveIpPortChanges)
@{FromNetwork:NoPackets} When '1', no packets received from the network in the last few seconds, while packets were expected.
@{Error:FromNetwork:ExcessivePayloadTypeChanges} When '1', excessive payload type changes were detected in the last few seconds. Payload type changes will be ignored. Packets may be dropped.
@{Error:FromNetwork:ExcessiveIpPortChanges} When '1', excessive remote IP/Port changes were detected in the last few seconds. Received packets will be dropped.
@{Error:FromNetwork:ExcessivePackets} When '1', excessive packets/bytes rate was received from the network. All packets will be dropped.
@{Error:ToNetwork} Summary of the leg errors 'tonetwork': (NoPackets)
@{Error:ToNetwork:NoPackets} When '1', no packets were sent to network in the last few seconds, while we were supposed to send packets (remote IP not reachable?)
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