FreeSBC:Cloud:AWS Installation

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This page is intended to give assistance to people launching an instance of FreeSBC using Amazon Machine Image (AMI) on Amazon Web Service (AWS).

Instantiate a FreeSBC

  • After logging in your Amazon account, click on “EC2” in the main AWS console:


  • On the left menu, click on “AMIs”:


  • Click on the filter drop list and select “Private image” to locate FreeSBC AMI:


  • Select the image and click “Launch”:


  • Select the instance type and its resources. Supported instance type:
    • m4.large (2 vCPU, 8 GiB)


  • Choose an existing subnet from the list (Do not leave it to default):
  • Click "Add Device" under Network Interface section (as FreeSBC requires 2 network interfaces)
  • Click “Add Storage”:


  • Change the Volume Size to 40Gb.
  • Select "Volume Type": gp2
  • Click “Add Tags”:


  • You can leave the default parameters as they are.
  • Click “Configure Security Group”:


  • Select "Create a new security group". You need at least 4 rules (Important: Adjust the source IPs to known IP addresses only):
Rule Type Port Range Source IP
SSH TCP 22 Set to known IP addresses
Web Portal TCP 12358 Set to known IP addresses
SIP UDP 5060 Set to known IP addresses
RTP UDP 20000-40000 Set to known IP addresses


  • Click “Launch”. Please, note that FreeSBC is free of charges. However, you will still be charged by Amazon for using their resources that you allocated:


  • You will be prompted to create a key pair, allowing you to securely connect to your instance. Select “Create a new key pair” if you do not own one, and give it a name. Then, click on “Download Key Pair” to download a .pem file since it is needed for a secured SSH connection:


  • Click on “Launch Instances”:


  • You can view your instance by clicking on “View Instances”:


  • Select the instance you just created, and give a name:


  • For your instance to become accessible, you need to associate a public IP generated by Amazon. Click on "Elastic IP" on the left, then click on "Allocate new address":


  • Click on "Allocate IP". A new public IP will be generated by Amazon:


  • Click on "Close":


  • Go to the left pane and click on "Instance". Then select the instance "FreeSBC" to display its description:


  • Notice the main Private IP circled in green. You need to identify which of the network interfaces is associated with it. Usually, it is the first in the list:


  • Click on the identified Network Interface associated with the main Private IP, then click on "Interface ID" link:


  • Right-click on the selected Network Interface, then click "Associate Address":


  • In the Address list, select the public IP to associate with the main Network Interface. Then, click on "Associate Address":


  • Click on "Instances" on the left pane and select "FreeSBC" instance. Check if your instance is associated with a public IP:


You are ready to connect to FreeSBC instance on AWS through the Web Portal.


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