Creating an M3UA Peer Server
From TBwiki
Applies to version(s): v2.9, v2.10, v3.0
After you create an M3UA peer signaling process (PSP), you must create a new peer server. A peer server is a logical entity on the IP network that is served by one or more PSPs.
To create an M3UA peer server:
1- Click M3UA in the navigation panel:
2- Select an M3ua Network:
3- Click Create New M3ua Peer Server in the M3UA network configuration window
4- Configure the new M3UA peer server:
- Enter a name for the peer server
- Create a remote Peer Server (PSRV) with a Routing Context (RC) value representing the remote side; Take the RC value from ASP configuration.
Note: 1) For SG/ASP, it is mandatory that this value is the same as the ASP local PSRV RC value. 2) SG only uses remote peer servers, so a local peer server (OPC) is NOT needed.
- Select the Traffic Mode Type. For remote peer server, this field is used in ASPAC.
- Click Create
5- Verify that the "M3ua Peer server was successfully created" message appears
6- Associate the newly created peer server with a peer signaling process (PSP):
- Select a PSP from the list of available PSPs
- Click the "<<" button to associate the PSP with the peer server
Parameters (text)
/configurations/@[configuration_name]/m3ua_stacks/@[m3ua_name]/m3ua_networks/@[m3ua_network]/m3ua_psrvs/@[m3ua_peer_server] local = false m3ua_psps = [ "m3ua_psp" ] name = "m3ua_peerServer" routing_ctx = 0 traffic_mode = "Active-Standby" /configurations/@[configuration_name]/m3ua_stacks/M3UA/@[m3ua_name]_networks/@[m3ua_network]/m3ua_psrvs/@[m3ua_peer_server]/advanced_parameters load_sharing_mode = "SLS" minimum_active_psps_for_load_sharing = 1 req_available = false
Parameters (json)
{ "advanced_parameters" : { "load_sharing_mode" : "SLS", "minimum_active_psps_for_load_sharing" : 1, "req_available" : false }, "local" : false, "m3ua_psps" : [ "m3ua_psp" ], "name" : "@[m3ua_peer_server]", "routing_ctx" : 0, "traffic_mode" : "Active-Standby" }