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Host control

Starting with Toolpack 2.5 it will be possible to take certain actions on hosts (servers on which Toolpack is installed). The host control panel can be found in the host status page and it's goal is to provide a common way to do Toolpack specific tasks like:

Upload a license
Upload a Toolpack package
Upgrade the host's packages (tblinux only)
Shutdown a host
Check control action status

Upload a license

While it will still be possible to manually copy the license in the appropriate folder on the host, this action will take care of that task. It will let you choose the license file to upload and then take the steps so that license is installed. Once this action is completed successfully, the OAM application will load the license and take care of installing it on the appropirate TMedia unit (which will require a reboot of that unit).

Upload a Toolpack package

This will take care or uploading and installing the Toolpack installer on the specified host. You must still create a package and activate it so that the upgrade is applied at a suitable time. The only limitation is that this can only be used for minor upgrades since the setup parameters will be lost for major upgrades.

Upgrade the host's packages

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