Manual Tmedia Upgrade
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Manually installing packages on TMedia units
In some occasions, you may want to manually install a package on TMedia units.
For example, you may want to do that to accelerate package upgrade time of a Toolpack system with multiple TMedia units. In fact, Toolpack will install and update TMedia units one at the time, so the system continues to run and handle calls through other TMedia (that may depend on your configuration) while one TMedia is being updated. By pre-installing the new package on all TMedia units, the Toolpack package switch will be faster since it won't have to install the package on each TMedia, but simply reboot them one after the other.
Here is a quick procedure to manually install a package on TMedia units.
*** Important note: This procedure requires tbautoinstall tool version 2.5.55 or above
Fortunately, you can use tbautoinstall version 2.5.55 to install older package (2.3.X or 2.4.X).
1. Download packages
You first need to download the TMedia packages archive for the appropriate version you want to install.
Follow the Download Release and Install Release steps of Tmedia Minor Upgrade.
2. Start tbautoinstall tool
Start the tbautoinstall tool, which is used for packages installation:
cd /lib/tb/toolpack/pkg/[NEW_PACKAGE]/bin/release/[PLATFORM]/
Start the application with the -noreboot argument:
./tbautoinstall -noreboot
3. Select TMedia units to install
You should now be within the tbautoinstall tool command-line interface. You should see a list of all your TMedia units.
There are two ways of starting the installation:
1. Press 'i', and select the TMedia unit to install. Then press 'Enter'. You can also press 'i' and 'Enter' multiple times to install on multiple TMedia units simultaneously.
2. OR, Press 'a', to enable "automatic install mode". All TMedia units that need to be updated will be installed simultaneously
4. Switch Toolpack to the new package
You are now ready to "switch" Toolpack system to the new version.
Follow the ActivateRelease step of Tmedia Minor Upgrade.
Toolpack will now relaunch applications one by one, then reboot adapters one by one on the newly installed package.
Argument reference
You may need want to use the following command-line arguments:
-gw [system_id] : Provide the system_id (also sometimes called TBX_GW_PORT) that your system is using. Default is 12358. -pkg [pkg_dir] : Provide the path of the directory that contains Tmedia packages. That should be [where_you_unzipped]/tb/bin -lic [license_dir] : Provide the path of the directory that contains your TMedia licenses -noreboot : Don't reboot TMedia after installation
tbautoinstall -gw 12358 -pkg ~/tb640-adapter.release/tb/bin -lic ~/my_licenses -noreboot
- Note: You REALLY should use the -noreboot option, otherwise your TMedia units will be rebooted and you'll get dropped calls!