Toolpack major upgrades 2-6

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This page is the procedure migrate a Toolpack v2.2, v2.3, v2.4 or v2.5 system to a Toolpack v2.6 system.

Warning: Major upgrades require service interruption.


Stop Toolpack Service

 tbtoolpack stop

Follow Migration Guide

For Toolpack v2.5:

The prerequisites are the same for v2.5 and v2.6. Therefore nothing to do. Yay!

For Toolpack v2.3 or v2.4 system:

Migration Guide Procedures for v2.5

For Toolpack v2.2 system (migrate your system from v2.2 to v2.3 then v2.3 to v2.5):

Migration guide Procedures for v2.3
Migration Guide Procedures for v2.5

Run Toolpack Installer (same as 2.4)

Toolpack Installer

Copy the license

If not already done with the installation copy the license in the licenses directory




Verify that the Toolpack service will start v2.6

Open the following file with vi (Linux) or Notepad (Windows).

Example with default settings:

 vi /lib/tb/toolpack/setup/12358/service/config.txt                 (Linux)
 notepad C:\TelcoBridges\toolpack\setup\12358\service\config.txt    (Windows)

Make sure that the 'application=' line contain '2.6'.

Example with default settings:

 application= /lib/tb/toolpack/setup/12358/2.6/apps/tboamapp/tboamapp_wd_cfg.ini             (For Linux)
 application= C:\TelcoBridges\toolpack\setup\12358\2.6\apps\tboamapp\tboamapp_wd_cfg.ini     (For Windows)

Start Toolpack Service

 tbtoolpack start

Checkout the forum for other upgrade instructions:

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