Test Create Line Interface

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Applies to version(s): v2.5, v2.6.

Now you will need to create a new line interface for your ISDN-SIP Gateway system. Line interface is a generic term for TDM physical interfaces. TelcoBridges products support 3 types of physical interfaces:

To create a new line interface:

1- Select Tdm Interfaces-->Line Interfaces from the navigation panel

Toolpack v2.5 Navigation Panel Line Interfaces.png

2- Click Create New Line Interface to create a single interface ,or Create Multiple Line Interfaces to create many interfaces at once

Toolpack v2.5 Create Line Interface.png

3- Create the new line interface:

  • Enter a name for the interface
  • Set a type for the interface
  • Set a local index for the line
  • Select a length and an encoding scheme
  • Click Create

Toolpack v2.5 Creating Line Interface.png

4- Verify that the "Line interface was successfully created" message is displayed

Toolpack v2.5 Line Interface Created.png

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