Help:Editing a page

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Revision as of 16:58, 25 July 2012 by Cbilodeau (Talk | contribs)
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Before saving changes

Summary box

  • Summarize changes in the summary box
  • It doesn't need to be very elaborate but should tell people what happened
  • Here are a few examples:
  • "fix out of date link"
  • "fix typo"
  • "split content into 2 articles"
  • "add procedure to check SELinux"

Summary box location

Add summary

Editing a page

Text formatting

Mediawiki can easily format text the way you want, here are a few examples:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Header
  • Table

You can check the toolbar for more details

Please refer to the following link for more information:

Mediawiki formatting text

Adding images

List of supported image extensions: 'png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg'

The easiest way to add an image to a page is through a link

  • Add the link the page
[[Image:My_new_image.png|Pretty name for image]]
  • Format image (image customization is quite extensive see Mediawiki for more details)
  • Save page (add comment in summary)
  • Click the image link
  • Upload image to the wiki

Example: upload image to TBWiki

Adding files

List of supported file extensions: 'ppt', 'pdf', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'doc', 'docx', 'odt', 'odc', 'odp', 'odg', 'zip'

The easiest way to add a file to a page is through a link

  • Add the link the page
[[Media:My_new_file.pdf|Relevant file title]]
  • Save page (add comment in summary)
  • Click the empty link
  • Upload file to the wiki

Example: upload file to TBWiki

Updating images or files

  • Go to file page
  • Add file real name to URL
  • Search file name in 'Special pages'->'File list'

Example: Use File list to search

  • Update file

Example: update file to TBWiki

Add a table

  • Tables can help organize information for quick reference


Main page

For more info see: Mediawiki tables

Add category

  • Categories are use to regroup articles together to quick reference



For more info see: Mediawiki categories

Personal tools