Creating an M3UA Route (SGP)
From TBwiki
Applies to version(s): v2.5, v2.6, v2.7
Now that you have configured M3UA user parts, PSPs, and peer servers, you must create M3UA routes for your system.
You require 1 route per point codes in your system. This means 1 route per DPC (SSP and STP) and 1 per source point code (OPC).
To create an M3UA route on an SGP:
1- Click Create New M3ua Route in the M3UA network configuration window
2- Configure the new M3UA route:
- Enter a name for the route
- Select a route type
- Select an M3UA peer server (choose Remote Peer server, if associated with an OPC, select NONE, if using DPC)
- Select an M3UA user part (if associated with a DPC, select NONE for OPC)
- Select a point code
- Select a point code mask (Recommended value: Exact match)
- Select a sub-service field type
- Click Create
3- Verify that the "M3ua Route was successfully created" message appears
List of Parameters
- Name
- Route Type
- M3UA Peer Server (only if Psrv was chosen as the route type)
- M3UA Userpart
- Point Code
- Point Code Mask
- Sub-Service Field Type