Creating a SIP Transport Server

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Applies to version(s): v2.8.

AFter you create a SIP stack, you must must create a new SIP transport server for your configuration.

Note: In order to employ SIP transport servers, the protocol that they will use to transport the SIP signaling traffic must be defined.

To do so:

1- Click SIP in the navigation panel

SipNav B 0.png

2- Click Edit next to the SIP stack for which you wish to create a transport server

SipTransport 0.png

3- Click Create New Transport Server under the Transport Servers list

SipTransport 1.png

4- Create the new SIP transport server:

  • Enter a name for the server
  • Select an appropriate port type
  • Select an appropriate IP interface
  • Click Create

SipTransport 2.png

5- Verify that the "SIP transport server was successfully created" message appears, and that the new server is listed in the Transport Servers list

SipTransport 3.png

SipTransport 3.png

List of Parameters

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