Toolpack prerequisite CentOS7 A
This page shows the Toolpack 2-8 prerequisites for CentOS 7.
WARNING: The host MUST have CentOS 7 installed.
WARNING: This procedure requires internet access and a DNS configured on your unit.
Contents |
Stop toolpack system (if it is running)
tbtoolpack stop
TelcoBridges repository
Add TelcoBridges repository file
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/TB-Base.repo
Paste the following information in that file:
# TelcoBridges-Base.repo # # This repository is using TelcoBridges frozen version of CentOS # to help client installing the required version of the # applications required to run Toolpack # [tb-base] name=TelcoBridges-$releasever - Base baseurl=$basearch/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7
Get TelcoBridges repository key
cd /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/ wget
CentOS update
Update your system to CentOS 7
yum clean metadata yum update
Reply to ARP only on local interfaces
Modify the file /etc/sysctl.conf to add the following lines:
net.ipv4.conf.default.arp_ignore=1 net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1
Then restart network interfaces using the following command:
service network restart
Disabling SELinux
Check SELinux status
If SELinux is enable, see the Disabling SELinux article to disable it.
Install Toolpack Prerequisites
When asked to 'Importing GPG key', answer yes.
yum groupinstall Toolpack-Prerequisites
Install Gem
wget gem install --local ./bundler-1.2.3.gem
wget gem install --local ./json-1.7.7.gem
Apply kernel patches (if any)
shutdown -r now
Once rebooted, be sure that Toolpack system is stopped before manipulating MySQL.
tbtoolpack stop
Configure ODBC
vim /etc/odbcinst.ini
Remove the '#' in front of each lines of the [MySQL] section Modify the 'Driver' line to set the correct driver
[MySQL] Description = ODBC for MySQL Driver = /usr/lib/ Setup = /usr/lib/ Driver64 = /usr/lib64/ Setup64 = /usr/lib64/ FileUsage = 1
Configure MySQL
vim /etc/my.cnf
Add these variables in the file under the [mysqld] section:
- log-bin
- server-id=[UniqueId]
The server-id needs to be a non-zero unique value (do not use 0). If you use the host redundancy feature, the value needs to be different on each host .
Add max_allowed_packet to increase the maximum size of binary blobs in the database. Make sure it is in the [mysqld] section AND [mysqldump] section
max_allowed_packet = 200MB
Add below to remove database dependencies with DNS servers (**Applicable to TMG users only)
Add this to make sure the mysql logs don't get too big
[mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock symbolic-links=0 log-bin server-id=1123476 max_allowed_packet = 200MB skip-name-resolve expire_logs_days=60