Creating an MTP3 Route

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Applies to version(s): v2.8

MTP3 routes are designed to route traffic from previously created point codes using linksets.

You require one route per point code in your system. This means one route per DPC (SSP and STP) and one route per source point code (OPC).

To create an MTP3 route:

1- Click MTP3 in the navigation pane.

Mtp3 0 A.png

2- Select an MTP3 network.

Create MTP3 Linkset 0.png

3- Click Create New Mtp3 Route in the MTP3 network configuration window:

Create MTP3 Route 0.png

4- Configure the new MTP3 route:

  • Enter a name for the route
  • Select a point code for the route
  • Select a point type
  • Click Create

Create MTP3 Route 1.png


  • Check the Route to Adjacent box, if this route is directed to an adjacent network

Create MTP3 Route 1a.png

5- Verify that the "Mtp3Route was successfully created" message appears

Create MTP3 Route 2.png

6- Associate the newly created route with a linkset:

  • Select a linkset from the list provided at the bottom of the route configuration window
  • Click the "<<" button to associate the linkset with the newly created route

BEFORE Create MTP3 Route 3a.png

AFTER Create MTP3 Route 3b.png

List of Parameters

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