Creating a SIP Domain

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Applies to version(s): v3.0

A SIP domain represents a grouping of devices (or users) that can communicate with one another. You must configure SIP Registration Domain for your system. The first step in doing so is to create a SIP Domain:

1- Click SIP Domain in the navigation panel

SIP Domain NavigationMenu.png

2- Click Create New Domain

Create SIP Domain.png

3- Create the new Domain:

  • Enter a Name of this configuration
  • Enter a Domain Name for the SIP Registration Domain (domain can be a FQDN or an IP address)
  • Set the number 'Maximum Registered Users' for this domain
  • Set the Expires value used by SBC when the remote device doesn't supply one (Default Contact Expire)
  • Select Routing Method
    • Register source: Will use the source IP address to send SIP Invite to
    • Contact: Will use the Register 'contact' to send SIP invite to
  • Click Create

Create SIP Domain1.png

4- Verify that the Sip registration domain was successfully created message appears

Create SIP Domain2.png

Create SIP Domain3.png

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