Configuring a Virtual Port

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Applies to version(s): v2.10

One or more virtual ports can be created to manage IP traffic.

To configure a virtual port

1. Select IP Interfaces from the navigation panel

Create Voip Interface 0.png

2. Click the Virtual Ports tab.

  • Click Create New Virtual Port

VirtualPort 0.png

3. Configure the virtual port.

  • Enter a name for the virtual port
  • Select the hardware device to which the virtual port is assinged
  • Enter a VLAN ID
  • Click Create

VirtuaPort 1a.png

4. From the Available ports window, select a physical port to which the virtual port is assigned. Note that this window is scrollable.

VirtuaPort 2a.png

The selected port is displayed in the current physical ports window.

VirtualPort 3a.png



Parameters (text)

ethernet_ports = [ "@[port_name]" ]
name           = "@[port_name]"
untagged       = true
vid            = 0

Parameters (json)

  "ethernet_ports" : [
  "name" : "@[port_name]",
  "untagged" : true,
  "vid" : 0

List of Parameters

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