Parameter: SIP: Use isup-oli format

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In some TDM networks, the Originating Line Information (OLI) parameter defined in ANSI ISUP and 5ESS ISDN is used to carry information related to the calling party and the class of service for a call. Legacy multifrequency (MF) signalling networks carry this information in the ANI II Digits.

By default, the OLI is carried on SIP using the "oli" URI parameter:

From:“Jonh Doe”<;oli=00>;tag=797D3031343235320021656B

With the option Use isup-oli format, the "isup-oli" URI parameter is used instead of "oli" URI parameter:

From:“Jonh Doe”<;isup-oli=00>;tag=797D3031343235320021656B
  • When inter-working the OLI parameter from ISDN/ISUP to SIP, the OLI parameter is added to the From Header in the SIP INVITE message. If the NAP Advanced Parameters Privacy Type is set, the OLI parameter is added to the Remote-Party-Id and/or or P-Asserted-Identity.
  • When inter-working the OLI parameter from the SIP to ISDN/ISUP, the From SIP Header OLI parameter is added to the SETUP/IAM message on the TDM leg.
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