FreeSBC:Cloud:AWS Installation

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This page is intended to give assistance to people launching an instance of FreeSBC using an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) on Amazon Web Service (AWS).

Instantiate a FreeSBC

  • After logging in your Amazon account, click on “EC2” in the main AWS console:


  • On the left menu, click on “AMIs”:


  • Click on the filter drop list and select “Private image” to locate FreeSBC AMI:


  • Select the image and click “Launch”:


  • Select the instance type and its resources. The recommended instance type is:
    • m4.large (2 vCPU, 8 GiB)
  • Supported instance type are:


  • Choose an existing subnet from the list (Do not leave it to default, to allow for multiple network interfaces):
  • Click "Add Device" under Network Interface section to add a second IP interface (as FreeSBC requires 2 network interfaces)
  • Click “Add Storage” to proceed to the next page:


  • Change the Volume Size to 40Gb.
  • Select "Volume Type": gp2
  • Click “Add Tags” to proceed to the next page.


  • You can leave the default parameters as they are.
  • Click “Configure Security Group” to proceed to the next page:


  • Select "Create a new security group". We recommend that you simply open all ports on your own IP address, since the SBC contains its own internal firewall:
Rule Type Port Range Source IP
All traffic All traffic 0 - 65535 (Use your own public IP)


  • Click “Launch”. Please note that FreeSBC is free of charges. However, you will still be billed by Amazon for the instance resources:


  • You will be prompted to create a key pair, allowing you to securely connect to your instance. Select “Create a new key pair” if you do not own one, and give it a name. Then, click on “Download Key Pair” to download a .pem file since it is needed for a SSH connection. (Note: Make sure to not lose it, since you would then lose access the the SSH connection for the instance):


  • Click on “Launch Instances”:


  • You can view your instance by clicking on “View Instances”:


  • Select the instance you just created and feel free to give it a name:


  • For your instance to become accessible, you need to associate a public IP generated by Amazon (called "Elastic IP"). Click on "Elastic IP" on the left, then click on "Allocate new address":


  • Click on "Allocate IP". A new public IP will be generated by Amazon:


  • Click on "Close":


  • Go to the left pane and click on "Instance". Then select the instance "FreeSBC" to display its description:


  • Find the eth1 network interface in the instance description:


  • Click on the eth1 Network Interface, then click on the "Interface ID" link:


  • Right-click on the selected Network Interface, then click "Associate Address":


  • In the Address list, select the public IP to associate with the main Network Interface. Then, click on "Associate Address":


  • Click on "Instances" on the left pane and select "FreeSBC" instance. Check if your instance is associated with a public IP:


You are ready to connect to FreeSBC instance on AWS through the Web Portal. To connect to the Web Portal, use the public IP address with the port like this: <Public IP>:12358/

  • Username:
    • root
  • Password:
    • <The ID of the instance on which the web portal is running.>

Take note that it may take a while for the FreeSBC system to make the Web Portal available (around 3-5 minutes).

Validating the installation

To test that the FreeSBC was correctly installed, you can call a special number via any SIP phone to get an automated message from the FreeSBC

  • Call the number 5551234@<FreeSBC's public IP address>

You should get a message from the FreeSBC along with a "special treat" :).


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