SIP subscribe notify publish forwarding

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TSBC can forward SIP Subscribe, Notify and Publish messages between users and registrars (PBX).
Forwarding of these messages follow the same rules as forwarding of SIP registration.


SIP Subscribe overview

The SIP SUBSCRIBE method allows users to subscribe to various services, and get notified of events related to these services. Typical services (packages) that phones will register to are:

  • Voice mail
  • Presence
  • Conference

Each user's device can register to various packages, then receive notifications for each of these package (independently).
TSBC will forward these Subscribe requests from users to Registrar (PBX), and Notify events from Registrar (PBX) to users.

Subscribe request overview.png
Subscribe response overview.png
Notify request overview.png
Notify response overview.png


SIP Subscribe/Publish forwarding

SIP Notify forwarding

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