SIP subscribe notify publish forwarding

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TSBC can forward SIP Subscribe, Notify and Publish messages between users and registrars (PBX).
Forwarding of these messages follow the same rules as forwarding of SIP registration.


SIP Subscribe overview

The SIP SUBSCRIBE method allows users to subscribe to various services, and get notified of events related to these services. Typical services (packages) that phones will register to are:

  • Voice mail
  • Presence
  • Conference

Each user's device can register to various packages, then receive notifications for each of these package (independently).

SIP Subscribe/Publish forwarding

TSBC will forward SUBSCRIBE or PUBLISH requests from users to Registrar (PBX)

Subscribe request overview.png
Subscribe response overview.png

SIP Notify forwarding

TSBC will forward NOTIFY requests from Registrar (PBX) back to users.

Notify request overview.png
Notify response overview.png

Topology hiding (contact remapping)

TSBC will remap SIP headers (from/to/contact/via/route...) while forwarding messages between users Registrars/PBX to perform "topology hiding":

  • Users always send SUBSCRIBE requests to TSBC, and receive NOTIFY from TSBC, even if there are multiple Registrars behind.
  • Registrars/PBX addresses are hidden by the TSBC (multiple registrars can be used for redundancy, and/or per domain name)
  • Multiple users with the same name but from different domains are remapped using "aliases" so they still can be distinguished after going through TSBC

Subscribe topology hiding.png

SIP authorization

SIP authorization requests (401/407 Unauthorized) are forwarded from Registrar to users, allowing users to send request again with appropriate credentials.
TSBC does not perform authorization by itself, only forwards between users and registrars.

NAT traversal

  • The TSBC handles SIP Subscribe NAT traversal to allow interaction between SIP User Agents from public and private networks.
    • TSBC detects the actual IP from which users are sending messages, so responses and Notify messages can be forwarded properly, even in case users are unaware that they are behind a NAT


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