Allocating a SIP Network Access Point (NAP)

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(Applies to version(s): v3.0)

You must allocate a SIP NAP for your system. To create a new NAP:


Click NAPs in the navigation panel

NAP NavigationMenu.png

Click Create New NAP

Create New NAP SIP.png

Create the new NAP:

  • Enter a name for the NAP
  • Click Create

Create New NAP SIP1.png

Verify that the NAP was successfully created message appears

Create New NAP SIP2.png

Associate a SIP transport server with the new NAP:

  • Select a SIP Transport Server from the Available list
  • Click "<<" to associate the SIP Transport Server with the NAP

Create New NAP SIP3.png

Note: It is not recommended to use multiple SIP transport servers in one NAP, because NAP availability may be inconsistent if one of the transport servers is down. For redundancy, it's recommended to create two NAPs and create redundant routes that point to each NAP (using weighted load sharing, or priority routing, as required).

Enter proxy address:

Create New NAP SIP4.png

Associate a Port range with the new NAP:

  • Select a port range from the Available list
  • Click "<<" to associate the Port range with the NAP

Create New NAP SIP5.png

Note: The port range does not have to be on the same IP Interface than the SIP transport server.
Note: Multiple port ranges on different IP interfaces can be used for load-sharing or redundancy. Each call will be assigned a port from one of the ranges in a "load-sharing" manner.

[OPTIONAL] Associate SIP Domains with the new NAP:

  • Select a sip domain from the Available list
  • Click "<<" to associate the SIP Domain with the NAP

Create New NAP SIP7.png

Configure settings for the following parameter groups as required:

  • Registration Parameters
  • Authentication Parameters
  • Network Address Translation
  • SIP-I Parameters
  • Advanced Parameters
  • Click Save

Create New NAP SIP6.png

Since 3.0.103 you have the option to disable a NAP. A disabled NAP will refuse incoming SIP calls, and will not be used for outgoing calls.

Disabling NAP.png

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