Creating an M3UA Peer Server (ASP)

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Applies to version(s): v2.5, v2.6., v2.7

Now that you have created an M3UA peer signaling process (PSP), you must create a new Peer server. A peer server is a logical entity on the IP network that is served by one or more PSPs.

To create an M3UA peer server:

1- Click Create New M3ua Peer Server in the M3UA network configuration window

Toolpack v2.5 Create M3UA Peer Server.png

2- Configure the new M3UA peer server:

  • Enter a name for the peer server
  • Create a local Peer Server (PSRV) with a Routing Context (RC) value representing the remote side; RC value representing the remote side.
  • Create a remote Peer Server (PSRV) with a Routing Context (RC) value representing the remote side; RC value representing the remote side.
1) For SG/ASP this value is mandatory to  be the same as the ASP local PSRV RC value
2) ASP uses both local and remote peer servers
  • Select the Traffic Mode Type. For remote peer server, this field is used in ASPAC.
  • Click Create

Toolpack v2.5 Creating M3UA Peer Server SGP.jpg

3- Verify that the "M3ua Peer server was successfully created" message appears

Toolpack v2.5 M3UA Peer Server Created.png

4- Associate the newly created peer server with a peer signaling process (PSP):

  • Select a PSP from the list of available PSPs
  • Click the "<<" button to associate the PSP with the peer server

Toolpack v2.5 M3UA Peer Server PSP.png

5- Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 above for remote or local peer server if one peer server is not done so

List of Parameters

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