Regular expression quick start guide

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Revision as of 16:52, 11 September 2009 by Luc Morissette (Talk | contribs)
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Regular Expression PatternExplanations
^Matches beginning of a line
$Matches the end of a line
[characters]Matches any single character between the brackets
re1|re2Match either re1 or re2
re*Matches zero or more occurrences of re
re+Matches one or more occurrences of re
re?Matches zero or one occurrences of re
Re{m,n}Matches at least “m” and at most “n” occurrences of re
(...)Parentheses are used to group regular expressions
\0, \1, \2, ...Substitute the value matched by the nth grouped sub-expression, used in remapped fields.

Here are some examples:

Add 2720 prefix:




Strip first 4 digits:

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