Creating an M3UA SAP (IPSP)
From TBwiki
Applies to version(s): v3.0
Once an M3UA configuration is created, you must then create a new M3UA service access point (SAP) for your system. The SAP is an identifying label for endpoints in your network.
To create an M3UA SAP:
1- Click M3UA in the navigation panel:
2- Click Create New M3ua Sap in the M3UA configuration panel
3- Configure the new SAP:
- Enter a name for the SAP
- Select an Unit to use
- Select an SCTP source port
- Click Create
4- Verify that the "M3ua Sap was successfully created" message appears
5- Associate an IP interface with the new SAP:
- Select an available IP interface
- Click the"<<" button to associate the interface with the SAP
List of Parameters
M3UA SAP Timers