Creating an M3UA Route (IPSP)
From TBwiki
Applies to version(s): v3.0
Once you have configured the M3UA user parts, PSPs, and peer servers, you must create M3UA routes for your system.
You require one route per point code. In other words, one route for each DPC (SSP and STP) and one for each source point code (OPC).
To create an M3UA route:
1- Click Create New M3ua Route in the M3UA network configuration window
2- Configure the new M3UA route:
For the DPC, the route is used to reach the DPC and for the MTP3 configuration.
- Enter a name for the route
- Select a route type:Mtp3
- Select an M3UA user part: Select the previously configured M3UA User Part
- Select a point code: Select the DPC from the MTP3 linkset
- Select a point code mask (Recommended value: Exact match)
- Select a sub-service field type:ISUP
- Click Create
For an OPC, the route is used for the local point code and to reach the ASP.
- Enter a name for the route
- Select a route type:Psrv
- Select an M3UA peer server: Select the previously configured M3US Peer Server with the right RC
- Select an M3UA user part
- Select a point code: Select the OPC from the MTP3 linkset
- Select a point code mask (Recommended value: Exact match)
- Select a sub-service field type:ISUP or SCCP
- Click Create
5- Verify that the routes are listed in the M3UA Routes table.
List of Parameters
- Name
- Route Type
- M3UA Peer Server (only if Psrv was chosen as the route type)
- M3UA Userpart
- Point Code
- Point Code Mask
- Sub-Service Field Type