Adding ENUM Query for LNP to Routing Script
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Revision as of 02:47, 26 November 2019 by Serdar Civici (Talk | contribs)
This shows how to integrate a routing script filter that send ENUM queries for Local Number Portability and enables ENUM name resolution support on ProSBC.
Contents |
ProSBC Configuration
This section provides ProSBC configuration for the solution.
Install dnsruby gem
- 1. Automatic Installation
gem install dnsruby -v1.54 tbtoolpack stop tbtoolpack start
- 2. Manual Installation
Download the gem from Upload to SBC with sFTP gem install --force --local dnsruby -v1.54 tbtoolpack stop tbtoolpack start
Configure Routing Script
- 1. Enable routing script
Gateway->Use script
- 2. Load routing scripts
Gateway->Routes->Routing Script->Import Script File File->naptr_called_replacement.rb ScriptType->Filter Load on startup->checked
- 3. Adding ENUM script to main script
Gateway->Routes->Routing Script->simple_routing_sbc.rb [Edit]
Three things need to be added.
At the start of the script:
require 'called_pre_remap'
In the main class:
include EnumLNP
before_filter :method => :naptr_called_replacement
Click here to download naptr_called_replacement.rb Routing Script
Modifying ENUM Script
- 1. To set ENUM server IP in the script modify the following script parameter in the naptr_called_replacement.rb:
res = (:nameserver => ['IPaddress']) IP address must be ENUM Server IP address
- 2. To set the Domain Name for ENUM queries, change the following parameter in the naptr_called_replacement.rb:
$domain = "IPAddress/FQDN" Query examples;, is the domain, is the domain, is the domain, is the domain