Adding ENUM Query for LNP to Routing Script

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This shows how to integrate a routing script filter that send ENUM queries for Local Number Portability and enables ENUM name resolution support on ProSBC.


ProSBC Configuration

This section provides ProSBC configuration for the solution.

Install dnsruby gem

1. Automatic Installation
gem install dnsruby -v1.54
tbtoolpack stop
tbtoolpack start
2. Manual Installation
Download the gem from 
Upload to SBC with sFTP
gem install --force --local dnsruby -v1.54
tbtoolpack stop
tbtoolpack start

Configure Routing Script

1. Enable routing script
Gateway->Use script
2. Load routing scripts
Gateway->Routes->Routing Script->Import Script File
Load on startup->checked
3. Adding ENUM script to main script
Gateway->Routes->Routing Script->simple_routing_sbc.rb [Edit]

Three things need to be added.
At the start of the script:

require 'called_pre_remap' 

In the main class:

include EnumLNP
before_filter :method => :naptr_called_replacement

Click here to download naptr_called_replacement.rb Routing Script

Modifying ENUM Script

1. To set ENUM server IP in the script modify the following script parameter in the naptr_called_replacement.rb:
res = (:nameserver => ['IPaddress'])  IP address must be ENUM Server IP address
2. To set the Domain Name for ENUM queries, change the following parameter in the naptr_called_replacement.rb:
 $domain = "IPAddress/FQDN" 
  Query examples;, is the domain, is the domain, is the domain, is the domain
3. In the answer check the Service and update the script. Service can be returned in the following and other formats;
 Service: E2U+SIP, Service: E2U+sip, Service: SIP+E2U, Service: sip+E2U and others
if a.service == "sip+E2U" || a.service == "SIP+E2U" ==> Change it here
4. In the answer, ENUM server can return "." or "@" or any other character in the regex after the number;
if it is "."
params[:call][:called] = tb_naptr_query("#{naptr_called}.#{$domain}", params)

if it is "@"
params[:call][:called] = tb_naptr_query("#{naptr_called}@#{$domain}", params)
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