Upgrade CentOS software packages

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  • Obtain the CentOS security updates
  • Patch recent vulnerabilities
  • Patch SNMP core files

Applicable Products

  • TMG800, TMG3200, TMG7800-CTRL, TSBC, FreeSBC
  • TSG800, TSG3200
  • Tdev Linux server (CentOS or RedHat) running Toolpack software

TelcoBridges repository

The operating system (CentOS) software upgrade is performed using yum software package manager. The repositories sites providing RPM packages are configured from /etc/yum.repos.d/. TelcoBridges provides a modified CentOS repository copy (http://repo.telcobridges.com) of the official CentOS repository.

If the unit or Linux server does not have access to Internet (or does not have DNS configured), you should configure an offline CentOS repository on your local machine as explained in the section bellow.

Offline repository configuration

First, SSH to your unit do determine which version of the OS your system is using:

# cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 5.11 (Final)

CentOS Linux release 7(Core)

CentOS software packages update

The operator can use one of the two methods available: GUI/WebPortal or command line interface.


NOTE: The GUI/WebPortal CentOS packages software upgrade shown below is only offered on Tsbc, Tmedia and Tsig product. Tdev Linux server with Toolpack must be upgraded using the Command Line procedure.

To upgrade CentOS software packages, follow this procedure from the web interface of the unit:

  • Hosts -> Status -> TBxxxxxx -> Action -> Upgrade Linux Packages, then 'Apply Action':

Upgrade Linux Packages.jpg

When the upgrade is in progress, there is no status shown, and you will see the screen like this:

Upgrade Linux Progress.jpg

It may take a while 8-10 mins. You need to refresh the page until you see this:

Centos Upgrade Complete.jpg

Once complete, you need to reboot the host: Hosts -> Status -> TBxxxxxx -> Action -> Shutdown -> Reboot

Command line

Alternatively, you can ssh to the unit and run the following command:

# yum clean all
# yum update

Reboot the unit

# reboot
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