Creating an M3UA Peer Signaling Process (IPSP)

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Applies to version(s): 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2

After you create an M3UA user part, you must create a new M3UA peer signaling process (PSP). This is used to describe a remote IPSP that is accessible through the M3UA system.

To create an M3UA Peer Signalling Process (PSP) on IPSP:

1- Click M3UA in the navigation panel:

CreateM3ua 0.png

2- Select an M3ua Network:

SelectM3uaNetwork A 0.png

3- Click Create New M3ua Peer Signaling Process in the M3UA network configuration window:

Create M3UA PSP 0.png

4- Configure the new M3UA PSP:

  • Enter a name for the PSP
  • Select IP Server Process (IPSP) as the PSP type
  • Enter a destination port (as configured in the destination element)
  • Click Create

Create M3UA PSP 1.png

5- Verify that the "M3ua PSP was successfully created" message appears

Create M3UA PSP 2.png

6- Associate a SAP with the new PSP:

  • Select a SAP from the list of available SAPs
  • Click the "<<" button to associate it with the PSP

Create M3UA PSP 3.png

7- Enter a destination address for the PSP:

  • Enter a destination address
  • Click "<<" to add the destination address to the PSP

Create M3UA PSP 4.png

8- Verify that the "(your address) was successfully added" message appears

Create M3UA PSP 5.png



Parameters (text)

dst_port            = 2905
ip_dsts             = [  ]
name                = "@[m3ua_psp]"
nb_of_sctp_streams  = 5
saps                = [ "@[m3ua_sap]" ]
type                = "'''IP Server Process (IPSP)"

allow_re_register               = false
asp_id_mode                     = "None"
configure_for_all_local_ips     = false
include_routing_ctx             = true
initiate_sctp_association       = true
ip_header_tos                   = 0
ipsp_double_ended               = false
load_sharing_mode               = "SLS"
network_appearance              = false
network_appearance_value        = 0
rk_dynamic_registration_allowed = false
rk_registration_request_send    = false
routing_ctx_mandatory           = false
self_asp_id                     = 0
sg_id                           = 0

inhibited    = false
target_state = "Default"

Parameters (json)

  "advanced_parameters" : {
    "allow_re_register" : false,
    "asp_id_mode" : "None",
    "configure_for_all_local_ips" : false,
    "include_routing_ctx" : true,
    "initiate_sctp_association" : true,
    "ip_header_tos" : 0,
    "ipsp_double_ended" : false,
    "load_sharing_mode" : "SLS",
    "network_appearance" : false,
    "network_appearance_value" : 0,
    "rk_dynamic_registration_allowed" : false,
    "rk_registration_request_send" : false,
    "routing_ctx_mandatory" : false,
    "self_asp_id" : 0,
    "sg_id" : 0
  "dst_port" : 2905,
  "ip_dsts" : [
  "name" : "@[m3ua_psp]",
  "nb_of_sctp_streams" : 5,
  "saps" : [
  "state" : {
    "inhibited" : false,
    "target_state" : "Default"
  "type" : "'''IP Server Process (IPSP)"

List of Parameters

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