Defining a Clocking Source

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2

A network clock is a necessary component of a TDM network. Synchronizing your system to a clock will ensure that a good condition of your system is maintained. It is recommended that you configure an external clocking source for your system.

To configure a clock:

1- Click Clocking in the navigation panel

CreateSystemClock 0.png

2- Click Create New External System Clock Reference

CreateSystemClock 1.png

3- Create the new clocking source:

  • Enter a name for the clock.
  • Select the appropriate hardware adapter
  • Select a clock reference type
  • Select a clock reference source

Note: In this example, Line Service is selected as the reference type, and a line service is selected as the clocking source.

CreateSystemClock 3.png

4- Verify that the System Clock was successfully created message appears, and that the new clocking source appears in the External System Clock Reference List

CreateSystemClock 2.png



Parameters (text)

/configurations/ @[configuration_name]/clocks/configuration
synchronous_tms_network = true

/configurations/ @[configuration_name]/clocks/configuration/clock_and_link_recovery
use_clock_ref_recovery       = false
use_link_switchover_recovery = false

/configurations/ @[configuration_name]/clocks/configuration/qualify_parameters
qualify_delay                 = "30 seconds"
qualify_recovery_delay        = "3 minutes"
trunk_cvc_anomalies_qualify   = 0
trunk_cvc_anomalies_unqualify = 1
trunk_fec_anomalies_qualify   = 0
trunk_fec_anomalies_unqualify = 1
trunk_los_defects_qualify     = 0
trunk_los_defects_unqualify   = 1
trunk_oof_defects_qualify     = 0
trunk_oof_defects_unqualify   = 1

/configurations/ @[configuration_name]/clocks/configuration/external_clocks/@[clock_name]
clock_ref_source = "@[line_service_name]"
clock_ref_type   = "Line service"
hardware_unit    = "@[hardware_name]"
name             = "@[clock_name]"
priority         = 1

Parameters (json)

  "clock_and_link_recovery" : {
    "use_clock_ref_recovery" : false,
    "use_link_switchover_recovery" : false
  "qualify_parameters" : {
    "qualify_delay" : "30 seconds",
    "qualify_recovery_delay" : "3 minutes",
    "trunk_cvc_anomalies_qualify" : 0,
    "trunk_cvc_anomalies_unqualify" : 1,
    "trunk_fec_anomalies_qualify" : 0,
    "trunk_fec_anomalies_unqualify" : 1,
    "trunk_los_defects_qualify" : 0,
    "trunk_los_defects_unqualify" : 1,
    "trunk_oof_defects_qualify" : 0,
    "trunk_oof_defects_unqualify" : 1
  "synchronous_tms_network" : true,
  "external_clocks" : {

  "clock_ref_source" : "@[line_service_name]",
  "clock_ref_type" : "Line service",
  "hardware_unit" : "@[hardware_name]",
  "name" : "@[clock_name]",
  "priority" : 1


List of Parameters

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