Creating an ISUP User Part

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2

Once you have created your ISUP network, you must create a new ISUP user part.

The user part is the container for the multiple ISUP interfaces. One user part is required for each protocol variant. A user part can be seen as a protocol variant that a host application wants to use on the SS7 network.

Multiple ISUP user parts can be instantiated within a single ISUP protocol layer. This allows a user application to interface with multiple SS7 ISUP protocol variants at the same time. In addition, only one ISUP user part is required for a specific variant as it can be assigned to multiple ISUP networks.

To create an ISUP user part:

1- Click ISUP in the navigation panel.

CreateIsupStack 0.png

2- Select the ISUP stack

SelectIsupStack 0.png

3- Click Create New Isup Userpart in the ISUP stack configuration window:

Create ISUP Userpart 0.png

4- Configure the new ISUP user part:

  • Enter a name for the user part
  • Select a protocol variant (depending on location)
  • Select an MTP3 sub service field (the same that was previously set for MTP3)
  • Select an address indicator type
  • Select a Numbering Plan
  • Click Create

Create ISUP Userpart 1.png

5- Verify that the "IsupUserpart was successfully created" message appears

Create ISUP Userpart 2.png



Parameters (text)

default_nature_of_address = "Not present"
default_numbering_plan    = "Unknown"
name                      = "@[isup_userpart]"
strict_spirou_validation  = false
sub_service_field         = "International"
variant                   = "ITU"

allow_call_modification      = false
allow_group_messages         = true
allow_pass_on                = true
cause_release_location       = "Private network LU"
send_inr_when_no_calling_nb  = false
user_to_user_info_max_length = 255

circuit_reservation_ack_timer   = "10 seconds"
circuit_reservation_timer       = "3 seconds"
continuity_check_incoming_timer = "20 seconds"
continuity_check_outgoing_timer = "20 seconds"
exit_timer                      = "1 minute"
explicit_call_transfer_timer    = "1 second"
final_release_response_timer    = "30 seconds"
release_response_timer          = "30 seconds"
t1_timer                        = "15 seconds"
t2_timer                        = "0 millisecond"
t5_timer                        = "5 minutes"
t6_timer                        = "0 millisecond"
t7_timer                        = "1 minute"
t8_timer                        = "10 seconds"
t9_timer                        = "90 seconds"
t27_timer                       = "4 minutes"
t31_timer                       = "6 minutes"
t33_timer                       = "12 seconds"
t34_timer                       = "5 seconds"
t36_timer                       = "10 seconds"

Parameters (json)

  "advanced_parameters" : {
    "allow_call_modification" : false,
    "allow_group_messages" : true,
    "allow_pass_on" : true,
    "cause_release_location" : "Private network LU",
    "send_inr_when_no_calling_nb" : false,
    "user_to_user_info_max_length" : 255
  "default_nature_of_address" : "Not present",
  "default_numbering_plan" : "Unknown",
  "name" : "@[isup_userpart]",
  "strict_spirou_validation" : false,
  "sub_service_field" : "International",
  "timers" : {
    "circuit_reservation_ack_timer" : "10 seconds",
    "circuit_reservation_timer" : "3 seconds",
    "continuity_check_incoming_timer" : "20 seconds",
    "continuity_check_outgoing_timer" : "20 seconds",
    "exit_timer" : "1 minute",
    "explicit_call_transfer_timer" : "1 second",
    "final_release_response_timer" : "30 seconds",
    "release_response_timer" : "30 seconds",
    "t1_timer" : "15 seconds",
    "t2_timer" : "0 millisecond",
    "t5_timer" : "5 minutes",
    "t6_timer" : "0 millisecond",
    "t7_timer" : "1 minute",
    "t8_timer" : "10 seconds",
    "t9_timer" : "90 seconds",
    "t27_timer" : "4 minutes",
    "t31_timer" : "6 minutes",
    "t33_timer" : "12 seconds",
    "t34_timer" : "5 seconds",
    "t36_timer" : "10 seconds"
  "variant" : "ITU"

List of Parameters

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