Creating a NAP (ISUP)

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2

A Network Access Point (NAP) represents the entry point to another network or destination peer.

After you create an ISUP CIC group, you must create a network access point.

To create a network access point (NAP):

1- Click NAPs in the navigation panel

CreateIsupNap 0.png

2- Click Create New NAP

CreateIsupNap 1.png

3- Configure the new NAP:

  • Enter a name for the NAP
  • Select a user-created profile, if not, select default
  • Click Create

CreateIsupNap 2.png

4- Verify that the NAP was successfully created message appears

CreateIsupNap 3.png

5- Associate an ISUP interface with the NAP:

  • Select an interface (the newly-created ISUP CIC group)
  • Click the "<<" button to add the interface to the list

CreateIsupNap 4.png

The following information is displayed:

CreateIsupNap 5.png

  • Select a value for Channel Usage, to avoid call collision
  • Click Save

6- Verify that the "NAP was successfully updated" message appears

CreateIsupNap 6.png



Parameters (text)

append_f_to_outgoing_calls                     = false
append_pound_to_outgoing_calls                 = false
channel_usage                                  = "Per-trunk lowest timeslot"
remove_trailing_f_or_pound_from_incoming_calls = true

Parameters (json)

  "tdm_cfg" : {
    "append_f_to_outgoing_calls" : false,
    "append_pound_to_outgoing_calls" : false,
    "channel_usage" : "Per-trunk lowest timeslot",
    "overlap_parameters" : {
      "enable_overlap_receiving" : false,
      "enable_overlap_sending" : false,
      "overlap_receiving_expected_digits" : 0,
      "overlap_receiving_inter_digit_timeout" : "20 seconds",
      "overlap_receiving_timeout" : "0 millisecond"
    "remove_trailing_f_or_pound_from_incoming_calls" : true

List of Parameters

Advanced Parameters-Call rate limiting

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