Creating a TCAP Userpart

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This article applies to: Product Version
Tmedia 2.9, 2.10, 3.0, 3.2

After you create a TCAP stack, you must create a TCAP user part.

To create a TCAP Userpart:

1- Click TCAP from the navigation panel

Create TCAP Stack 0.png

2- Click Create New TCAP Userpart in the TCAP stack configuration window

Create TCAP Userpart 0.png

3- Configure the new TCAP userpart:

  • Enter a name for the userpart
  • Select a protocol variant
  • Select an SCCP user part
  • Click Create

Create TCAP Userpart 1.png

4- Verify that the "TcapUserpart was successfully created" message appears

Create TCAP Userpart 2.png



Parameters (text)

name             = "@[tcap_userpart]"
protocol_variant = "ITU96"
sccp_userpart    = "@[sccp_userpart]"

lost_connection_timer = "0 millisecond"
t1_timer              = "6 seconds"
t2_timer              = "6 seconds"

Parameters (json)


 "name" : "@[tcap_userpart]",
 "protocol_variant" : "ITU96",
 "sccp_userpart" : "@[sccp_userpart]",
 "timers" : {
   "lost_connection_timer" : "0 millisecond",
   "t1_timer" : "6 seconds",
   "t2_timer" : "6 seconds"


List of Parameters


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